Saturday, 30 June 2007
Bye-Bye JUne!! -30th of juNe- marK'S é end of tiS mth ..s0 far,eVerythin seeMs fiNe,sWeet n caLm..i jus h0pe tat é BittEr n 0thEr stUff tat i SHLDNT come arriVeD s0 s00n..=) 0h weLL,wat t0 do..2mths leFt tiLL sch re0Pens~! wwaaaauuhhh~~!yeSt(hier),29'06'07 wEnt t0 arcaChon bY trAin [as usuAL] (j'suIs aLLer a Arka-en trAin) 9:09AM in da M0rnIn(a 9.09h du maTIN)..acTually,i hv t0 meeT gaeLLe a cLassmAte 0f mine at 10..seemS tat é neXt trAin is At 11:45,erm(en faIt,il f0 ke j'v0iR gaELLe a 10h..koMmE yA le trAin a 11:45,c un pEu en reTarD d0nc,j'ai PriS ceLui la)..i wiLL be VERY,t00k é eaRLy traIn n waIteD feR her..f0r at leAst 30mins..whiLe waitin,i mSged feR heR,whiLe waitin Fer heR buS,shE msgEd me too!x)..n0t Long laTa,shE arRived..é weAther seEms t0 chang VERY ferst it was SunnY,miNs lata,n0 m0rE sun..cl0uds EVeryWHere..n it TOTALLY bugS me coZ u juS duNN0 waT t0 wEar s0 tat u w0nt feEL c0LD AND h0t wheN evA e WeatHer chanGes..-_-' ..afTER enJoyin ourSelf shoppin in 'Cache-Cache' [lik esprit but different braND]..i b0ughT meSeLf a shAde,sWeathEr n a blUe tiGhts!!HAha-e tiGhts is SO CHIC' xD(j'ai acHeté 1 luNeTte soLeiLe,1 puLL é 1 panTa c0uRte-meTTre aV uN juPe) é itEms waS in SoLd so,w0rth buYin it..=)..
siNcE wE gt n0thiNg t0 do,wE wEnt baCk t0 gaeLLe's hse neAr interMarché..waItEd fer e bUs fEr didNt arrIvEd so,wE WALK back hm(a 13h,oN renTrE chEz gaELLE..0n a attenDu p0ur le bUs p0ur 30mIns..c0mmE il arrIvE pa,0n a MarcHé j'usqo MiquéL0ts..hehe..on a PrIS preSquE 2h&30mins)..hahak-it took us nearly..erm..2h0URs & 30mIns t0 arrivED aT heR den,wE weRe sun buRnt n daMn thiRsty..x) LunCh n waTched 'shrEk 2'..i noe-i noe,iTs OLD movIe but wE STill enJoYed 0urseLf..=P..aT 6,dAd feTcHed mE baacckk~!
t0dAe,weNt t0 AucHan,La fOiR'F0uiLLe>
N L'idLe t0 sh0p n in SearCh f0r itEms (ojouRdhui,0n été 0 aUcHan,la f0iR'f0uiLLe é L'iDle)..wE br0Ke é reC0rd f0r sh0ppIn in a feW sh0ppin ceNtRe in ONLY 0NE dae~!!yyéééaahh~!-actuAlly its n0t a sh0ppin cntr..itS in a BIG RECTANGULAR CONTAINER!!hahak XD ..n iTs tirin yaNN0~0nce Dad fiNisHEs hiS weRk,hE caMe n feTch us..reAched h0me,i t00k a quIcK glimpst at me GaRdeN
(QuaNd 0n esT reNtré,j'aI reGarDé le jaRdin é trOuvé le nId d'f0urMi~!!aargh-déGueuuu)..n f0und tat DeRe a NESt..ANTS NEST!! n wHen i shoVe é soiL 0ut,i sh0ve iTs EGGS ALSO!!argghh~~!wriggly-thIngY camE 0ut..g00sE buMpS =S ..tAts é baD neWs..buT é gUt neWs t0mat0 plaNt GREW!!
hahak..(mé ca c le mAuvaISe n0uvELLe..mé ceLui ki eSt biEn..c ke j'aI déjA les t0matES~!!yéé f0 ke j'aTTendRE ke LeS t0maTeS S0it mur..=)-hmm..yuMmIE~!)TOTALLY proud of meSELF!! X) waitEd L0ng tiMe FeR it t0 gr0w t0t.. (j'suIs fiEr d MWAA!!HAHAK)nOw,i 0nly hv t0 waIt f0r é riTe tiMe t0 pLuck it..yéy! =D..yuMmIE-SwEet-cuTe-sMaLL T0MAT0ES! =)
..TIS is me t0mat0 PlantS~!i n0e tAt iTs abit meSSy..erM..VERY messY..BUT thEse planTes BEarS FRuits~!!=)
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:53}
Wednesday, 27 June 2007

aS fER t0dAe
(0'j0uRdHUi)..wE weNt t0 tr0C [a 2nD haND Sh0p-whEre wE caN Find anYTHing~!]
(0n eSt aLLer 0 tr0c)
<-tIs is e 1sT fl00r..[kaY-im aT e 2nD fl00r kae..hehe..

<- n tiS is e 2nD fl00r itEms...haha..IF u hv SHARP eyes..u cAn sp0t mY sIS wif hEr aRms hiGh up~ x)
(pEut eTrE v0Us p0uVeZ reTR0uvEr mA s0euR ds cEttE f0t0..hehe)..b0uGht shELVes..riTe aFter sh0ppIn,wE weNt t0 a PiZzA rESTAuRAnt at GujAN caLLed..
(aprEs 'sh0ppIng' 0n eSt y'aLLer 0 reSt0 d piZza at GujAN)
~!!n wE WEnt thRoughT tis paTh t0waRds e reStaurAnt..

..0nCe wE g0t seAted,a lady serVes us..fEw miNutES later,FINALLY 0ur diNnEr caME..

<-l00k aT h0w eXcitEd iS shE t0 aTtaCk e piZzA'S~!!hahahk..

<- & tiS
TH0n [tuNa]..wE haD
Saum0n n frUit d la MeR [SaLM0n n seAf00d~!]..yUmMIe n leTS sinK 0uR TeeTh in Deeeemmm..yyeeaahh~!..afTer fEElin bL0atEd wE wEnt baC h0me!!

<-neVer enDin r0ad...aiTez..tiLL neXt tiMe..taKe caRe y'aLL n peAce~! =D
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {23:40}
0k-pEEps..iM tryin t0 tyPe B0TH languAges yar feR me DeaR frEnch fwEnz~!(j'Vai eSsaYeR EcrirE en FranCais ET angLAis-deS0Ler p0uR les faUteS..J'SuIs pa TR0P biEn eN fraNcAis xD) hehe..s0-heRe g0eS..
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:44}
Friday, 22 June 2007
0h-0h~!!My SiS N i Jus haD a neW HAIr Cutttt~!! YeAY-
(aFTeR~!!) taa DAA~me-cut & colour[purple]..Sis-cuT & colour[red] =D 0Ka-bUH bYE~! -TAke caRe n peAcee~! =X
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:39}
sINcE im KinDa frEE rItE N0w..Its beTtA TaT i intr0Duce t0 u guYs my FweNzz~heres-mE n
maRIe aLExia..known hER fer b0ut
4 YeArs..sHes e crAZy typE-..sAme liK me!!hahak..n sHes a w0nDerFuL fWen t0 b wif!!-LovE ya Gal~!!

..n herEs
CeCiL n AngeLIquE m.AleXia's GirLFweNzz..jUs g0t t0 noe dem..bUt dEy r sWeEt n fUn t0 b wif~!!

....N0t t0 f0rgeT-
Nic0Las (my CLassmaTE), a BeSt FwEN 0f miNe..hE'S e FisRt pers0n t0 guiDE me in e BiG LyCee GranD AiR..He'S suCh A swEeT n Inn0cEnt

guY~!!..n Dis R hIs FwEnZ-
JusTine (saMe cLaSS s mE) n
MAeva~!!PweeTie gaLzz~xD

n LaSt buT n0t LeASt...
GAeLLe!!PeAcE t0 u t0000- =)

..oh weLL-t00 bad taT I diDnt geT t0 SnAp a Pix wiF my 0ld friEnds..bUt NvM..nExt tiMe i guEss~!..N hErE C0meS e TranSporTAti0n st0p wHiCh i usUALLy t00k t0 aNy PLace tat i waNna g0..Tis Is a piX oF a
TraIn staTi0n neAr mY hse->

it SeEms ScaRy..eVEn me MysELf haVe G00SEbUmPS WhEN i EntEr in it..~!=D n tIs is
my H0uSeeee yeeeAy-!

(btW-itS 0nly haLF 0f tiS huGe pieCe kAY-MInE is 0n e LeFt)hehe..stiLL,its quIte biG hse FeR me...=) n0t t0 f0rGet-mY BELOVED sWeEt neighB0urs!!
Luc & GaeLLe- stAy cuTe n Ad0raBLE aLWayss!!

kAy-tiLL neXt tiMe..TaKe caRE t0 aLL n peAce~! xD
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {12:24}
At b0ut 6:30- i sTarTeD t0 geT reADy t0 bE feTch bY anDreW's Br0tHer t0 Bigan0s f0r la FetE dE musIqUe.. Due t0 e miSs c0MmunicaTi0n, 0uR meEtiNg p0int wAs furTher dEn i t0t it WaS..LuckY tHIng tAT he CaLLed mE n feTcheD me aT aN0thEr pLaCe..haHaK=)E feRsT thIng tAt wE've AttacKed is t0 fiLL up 0uR st0maCh's~!! aLL e wAe t0 mcDonaLd!!x)..wiF a Bl0aTEd TuMmY, wE weNt to la SaLLe dEs FetEs (a HaLL wheRe eveRyb0dY CelebratE) aT Bigan0s..E pLace waS fuLL of ppL..n wE quIcKly gEt 0urseLF seTTLed 0n e 2ndFL00r~ =D..wE haD e CLear viEw of e stAge n e TinY BaND~ xD
e 'ceLEbrati0n' stArtEd aT 8:30..n EnD at 11:30pm..In e End-a GroUp oF OLd f0lKs plaYEd e lasT PiecE n BaCk H0Me~!! eVeN t0t e ceLEBratiN wAS kindA b0red, bUt STiLL,i've Enj0yeD it c0z, i meT AndRew'S FuN n CheeRFuL sibLings-!!TiLL Next tiMe- TAke Care t0 aLL n PEacE~!! x)
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {00:26}
Thursday, 21 June 2007

heY-heY~ h0pE everYb0dY's fiNe..iM enj0yin meSeLf here-n itS
SuMmEr H0lidAy feR
3 mtHs!!
YEEaay~ Fr0M 1sT juNe tiLL-4th 0f SepTemBeR~ wHen h0liDay's 0vEr,itS e 0peNin 0f mY 2nd YeAr 0f
'p0ly'- whIch DeY cALLed hEre =>
LycEE. as u cAn see Im doIn GReaT heRe-hehe =)

i miZ Y0U gUyZ s000 muCh~!..s0 l0ng tAt wE stiLL keEp in C0NtacT-EVERYthinGS fINe~! x)
0h-! WenT t0 ArcacH0n BeACH wiF AndRew 0n m0nDae n we HaD L0TSa FuN-SWiMmIN in E C0LD sALty SeA WatEr n SunTaNneD (liKe LizaRdSS') xD
dEn,0n tuESdAE, My FwENZ n i weNt Int0 e FOreSt (liK grAmLiN'S-MAkin L0tsA n0ISe) n to Le TeiCh LakE~! we SwaM in E lakE (Lake Of PipI cOz E waTer g0eS n0whEre) N e dAyS OVA~! bY e eNd 0f e dAy, my b0dy was aLL taNnED N rEd~..oUch`iTcHy!
oh weLL-till neXt tiMe`
TaKe caRe , MisS yA gUyz n PeAcE~!
- FiZah -
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:42}