Friday, 30 November 2007
staYed at hm fer 2 days ald..viRus from sis' hv spREad to ME! hUH~ bL0cked nosE..heAchache..sLight feVer..AND i hv infeCtion on my leFt ear..wat a Luck..luCky thinG no teSt fer e 2 daYs tt i've been Sick..hehe'..eVen i'm siCk,YET i enJoyed meseLf..muahaha!

1sT of bouGht e LinksyS moDem from s'pore..meaN tt i can caLL s'pore at ANY TIME..xD n it coSt ONLY $0.02/ per min~!!sinCe lasT fridae-i've been caLLin my Loved ones n chAt onda fone fer at leAst 2 hours!!..hahak.. >.< ..i enJoyed taLkin tiLL sorethroat.. =.='

2nd' weNt to my HENSEM neighBour's house..taLked bout seLLin his pLants tt he boughT froM tHaiLand..muahaha..enjoyed chattin n lauffin..he's fuN to b wif >.<...n SweeT aLso..muSt NOT miss TAT out' HAH!

oh weLL..being siCk is ALSO a GUT thinG rite..?hehe >.<>

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {15:32}

Monday, 19 November 2007
MuaHahAH!! ok lar..i noe tAt it havE beeN a LOONNNGGG timE taT i'vE not upDATed my BloG yet..i thiNk i haVe t0 d0 it nOw feR SOMEBODY'S SAKE so tHat; THAT peRson woN't geT boreD...HAHA! =P' nah~ i REALLY hv to upDate my LiFe , so, chiLL, diD 3 teSts..monday BLUEESSSS... =.='
m0rning: VoLLey baLL..TOTAL wreCk >.<'S jus LucK..whEn we REALLY play SOOO g00D, teAchEr didN't noTed e scOre down..n TOday,ouR gamE s*Xxxx to e COrEEEE..YET,its noted..oh darn it =.='..AftEr sp0Rts fer 2 hRs, i haD maTh teSt..den AGAIN..ermm..ok lar..hahak..n den..n00n ;eaRLy eveNing 16h to 18h = FrenCh teSt..i CRACKED my heAd fer 2HRS..
anYwAy,i wEnt to PAuLine'S (a cLassmaTe of miNe) hsE fER a b'daE paRtY on 10/11/07..shE ceLebrated her 16th yeaR b'daE =) ..weNt out of e HsE at 18h30 n g0t loSt 'can'T finD her hsE in e dARk..reAChed at 7pM to heR hse..n aLL i caN saE bout jer hsE is...B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L~!!hahak..its ENORMOUS n TOTALLY beaufiTULLL..hoW i wiSh i caN stAy in tt kinD of hse..hahahx~!! and i triEd to taKe piX but turNed ouT tt heR hse is fuLL of diM ligHts n e piX i t00K turNed ouT kinDA dark..=.=' too bad!! BUT i tooK pix of VaVa-niCo n me!! hahak

iM countiN down tiL e neXt chrisTmas hoLidae~!! bout..5 WeeKs time!! so EXCITED' khakaah xD

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:10}

Tuesday, 6 November 2007
t00K caRe of Luc (9 yeArs oLd) & GaeLLe (6 yeARs oLd)..dEy aRRived on SundaE niTe' n sLepT heRe fEr 2 daYs..>.< ...baBYsittiN KIds = tiRing ' hahak! DeY weNt baCk hm todAE-evEnin..NatHaLie (diEr mum) fetCHEd dem =)

WenT oUt at b0ut 14h30 n haD a waLk beHind ouR hse..tooK pix of cOz~!! hehe..e h0rSes caMe t0wArds us whiLe we WerE haVin a waLK.. LooK at e BIG coTTon LikE pLant~!!..HeRe's wAt we did t0 it... ->..wE sh00K e PLant n 'faKe sN0W APPeared!! muaHAHha xD
HaD fuN creATIN FAkE SnOW n taLKin wiF e h0rses =P

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:22}

Monday, 5 November 2007
suNday ' boRing drAmas scReeNed on TV...f0R e wh0Le daY, aLL i diD waS chAttin iN MSN n PhoNe..deN MSN n PhonE..hahak!!..whEn e LinkSYs moDem waS inSTaLLed siNcE FRIdAY NitE, all i did waS chaTTin wiF peEps at sinGAPOre~ xD ..wiF tiS moDem,i caN caLL s'poRe ANYTIME and it coSt ONLY 2CENTS peR MINUTE~!! HAPPY chaTTin awaayyyyy' hehe..

FridAe niTe- herE 20h n s'poRe 3 am, i caLLed aiNi..n we Had a 4am (s'poRe time), faDhLi j0ined us..we chAtted tiLL 23h(fraNce) n 6 am(s'poRe)..we LaufFed n gossiPed lik we aLways did b4..hahak

SatuRDay - woKe at 10am...feLt kinDa sicK...tooK meD n aftEr lunCh,i conTinueD caLLin peoPLe..hahhax..caLLed ahmAD - n0t at hme..wenT feR jALan-jaLaN at m'siA ...n caLLed JuliE..wE chaT n chaT n chAt..hahak..n caLLed my beL0veD couSin, AmaLina~!!..n eveNing' whiLe daD n mUm weNt t0 b0rDEaux to buY ouR stoCks,sis n I stAYed home..SIs waS sick..didN't waNNa g0 to,i accOMpanied her at home =) ..we waTCHed 'LooneY tuNEs' ..n0t baD lar' fuNNie fer somE parts..n sLept at midNite..

n now,i thInk im haVin fLu..gottA eaT meds..tmr mornin-ruNnin fer ouR 2hr spOrts..oh'ohhh..i juS duN haVe e mooD to do sp0rts whEn its -4 deGrees indA mornin =.='
oh weLL..waT 2 dooo..hv to run~! wiSh me luck!! xD

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {15:20}

Sunday, 4 November 2007
im baCCkkkk'~! baCk fr0m paRis..baCk frOm DisNeyLand..actuALLy-reTurneD hm on friDay noon..hehe..buT too,chiLL ferST..kaY-suMMary 0f 0ur triP to PariS' DisneyLAnd..5 daYs: 2 dAYs fer e trIp to & fro + 3 daYs at e paRK..

Mon 29/10: we stEpped ouT of e hsE at 8:15am..niCoLaS n hiS dad fetcheD us-gaLs & we fetched Nic0's unCLe at mi0s..40 minS driVe fr0m our pLace..n staiGHt to PariSS..4hR lata,we haD a luNch brEAk n cntiNued 0ur r0utiNe..arrIved at PariS' Ch0isY le R0i at b0ut 18:30..wEnt t0 hiS unCLe's appartemEnt-cozy' hehe..atE chiCKen taJine- mum maDe - fer diNNer n sLePt' =)

tuEs 30/10: w0ke up aT 6:40am..t00k a sh0wer n atE 8:15am,weNt to e TRain staTion..n wE haD 3 trAin to taKe..1st-trAin; 2nd-(LiK MRT); 3rd-traiN agAin..iT waS trin in e eNd but itS wortH e long riDe..wHen we 1sT arriVe at e PArk,iT wAs FULL of peePs & e pLace seeMs to attRAct LOADS of peOPLe..~!! whEn u arriVed theRe,itS like a DREam coMe trUE'~ VERY CoLourfuL, (coLD of coz) n thE pLace seeMs veRY MAGICCCC' hahahah' ..1st dae: weNt to DIsnEy StudiO whEre it's fuLL of inD00r activiTies..(stUnt caRs show-wif 3 red cars, 6 blaCK caRs n a feW bikes) (2 caRs tiLtin to e leFt) tiLL 17h, wE havE ended e paRk n weNt t0 DisneyLand Park'...haD 0ur diNNer (yuMMie-yummie; niColas dad n sis)n c0ntiNue pLayin e 22h,wE weNT back h0me..t00k e traiNS againnn'
weD 31/10: wE rePeaTed e saME rouTine..sH0wEr, breAKFast n t00k e traiN..haD lunCH n cntiNue pLayin e gaMEs-me,sIs,niCo's uncLe [HenRy] & niCOLas)...den at 20h weNT bacK h0Me...
thursDay 01/11: (DisneyLand H0teL) laSt daY at e paRk.. same rouTine againnn!! but tiS time,we T00k l0ts of pictures coZ we kinDa pLayed aLL e gaMes on wed' xP it was reLAxin n fun lik e othER days =D..after diNNer,we weNT fer sh0ppiNg n said g00dbye t0 e parK & tooK e traiN back hommmeee ... ><
friDae 02/11: Last Day at PAris..dis tiMe,we w0ke up at 7am..haD a sh0wer n breAkFasT..wE paCKed our baGs..wiF a feW biSouxX (kiSS at e CHeeKz) n g00d'bYe waVe~ =D wE're on e wAy baCk h0meeeee ..7 hRs latEr,we'Ve rEAched h0me, tirEd n aLL of ouR enERgieS draiNed out'..
saT 03/11: at 19h30, weNt t0 daMien's (niCole's n J.P HsE aLso) Le TeiCh..mum friEd e inSTAnt neMs n wE br0UgHt it to thiEr hse..wE atE musCLe's n aTe a caKe fr0M paYS baSQues (a c0unTRy) f0r 22h30,wE weNt baCk home!!oh ya-daMien gaVe us a poT of fLower fr0m ThaiLand =) e fLowers r sooo pweetie'!! thankz DAmieN xP!
sometimes,people can be SO iRRitATing...
sometimes, people can be SO BOssY...
WheN u croSSed upOn DEse peopLe, n deY acted TAT way..
u feel lik walkin away...BUT u can't, dey wiL ALWAYS swAy back to u..
n whEn it REALLY gets t0 ur neRVe, u feeL lik kickin'/slapin' tt person jus to shut tat person up..BUT u can't do it..ur brain ask for VIOLENCE
BUT ur body jus didn't obey...
f0und out tt people r n0t e way tt u tot they might be...
found out tt people can change SUDDENLY...
found tat people r unPREdictabLe'

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {13:25}

é LaDy
eLLo eVerybody(: m0i- fiZah xD im h0T n chiCk~!MUAHHA.. anyWae,im juS a HappY go LuckY gaL..liKe to makE fweNz.. ENjoY Life to e MAX c0z liFe is sh0rt~xD

Right Round - Flo-rida ft. Ke$ha
duDes & chiCKz♥

*LaY kiM(:
*xiAo rUi(:
*sze cHEa(:
*soo cHEng(:
*doLLy - AniSon(:

siLenCe breAker

designer GreenerGrass(:
picture deviantart(:
with help from : adobe photoshop

MemoRies ^^
