Friday, 20 July 2007
aL0hA~!! i'vE beEn miSsin fEr quiTe s0me timE ald..ahahak..1st) c0mP c0nnEcti0n t0 neT is UnseCESsfUL n 2nd)all 3 c0mp kapuuut n 3rd)bEeN BUsy wiF me SchEDUel~! hehe =) noW,im kiNDa teLL u wAt i've BeeN d0in .last-LASt-LAST weDNEsdAE(11-07-07), w0ke uP at 10.20am..t00k breAkfasT..stArted e dAe wiF moviEEss..waTCHed cd 0f c0z..feRst wAS..'THe maSk'..den,'s0n 0f E MAsk'..n0t l0ng lata,natHAlie caLLed..wE wenT t0 Lac Du TEich
fr0m 2 tiLL 5:30..n strAIght awAy weNT t0 L'idLe..sh0p feR f00d n Went baCk..We goTtEN ourSeLveS reAdy weNT t0 MdM viDaL(0ur L0VeLy neighBOUr) hsE fEr a cHAt n Ate crePes! at 9,wE wEnt bacK hoommee.. 12-07-07= ThursdAe->cLeaned e hSe n geTtin reAdy foR paRty tis saTUrDAE..n0t EaSY T0t..tirin dae.13-07-07=FRidAE-> pLaN WaT haVe t0 be D0ne..prePAre the barBEqUe F00ds n cLeaneD e hse..afTER we cLeanED e hse, evERYb0dy haD A breAk bY siTTin oUtsiDE at e GARdeN
..N haD a chAt..SUDDenly,i accidenTLY closeD e d00r n it l0cKEd by itsELF..wE paniCked f0r a whiLe..siS struGGLed t0 geT in..lucKY thiNg tt dad is C0Min baCk hm..c0uldn't geT in by maiN d00r c0z it wAs L0ckEd alsO.darN..waitED fer 2 hrS n dAd reacHEd back HoME..evENT0t he hv e keY,wE STILL couldn't opEN e main d00r..wiF e keYs stuCk at e othER sidE,its impoSSibLe t0 opEn it..n0t l0ng lata,dad trieD t0 0pen thE garaGE d00r..& LUcky e d00r waSnt L0ckEd pr0perLy n hE manAGed t0 open it..n hurraayy!!we CAn finALLy enteR E hse..=) afTeR DInnER,WE g0TTeN 0urseLves reAdy n weNT to La feTe 0 Lac d CAzaux
.it wAs akwArD..FULL of ppl n fuNNie sonGs..bu STILL,EVERYBODY enjoyeD theMSELves..meT my DUdES n wNt baCK hm at 23h00..14-07-07=saTURdae->BIG DAE!ahahak..firsT thiNg i did was....CLEan e chicKEN(fer bqq)!! n g0tteN 10euros f0r tt ahahahk..erm-20 bucks..f0r m0re den 1kg of chickEn..n0t w0rth it..but nvm..n todAe marKs fraNCE NAti0naL dae~!afTer we g0ttEn 0urselVes reAdy n e foods reAdy,ppl starTEd to arriVe at 6..derEs sooo manY peePS mannn..deREs m0re den 40 pe0pLe..sufiCAte of ppl..hahahk..but e BEst paRT was,dAd inviTEd 0ur neiGhb0ur..n dEy we'rE E ONLY french peeps..hahak..waT a lauFF..wE had a gUT chAt n we kn0w eaCH 0theR bettEr..n paRty enDEd at 2am riTe aTer e firEW0rks..waT a paRTy~!enjo0yed meseLF-wohooo~.=)15-07-07=sunDAE-> w0ke up at..11 whEn i heArd dAd lisTEnin to danGDUt songs..hahahk..n0t l0ng laTa,we stArtED t0 kara0Ke..ahahk..haD radiSH
feR lunCh (typiCAL FreNch stARter b4 e mAin meAL) n deN we c0ntiNued 0ur singiN..did n0thinG 0n tat daE excEPT singin..muahaha..den,aftER diNNer,we weNT t0 Lac d CAZAuX Againnn..n tT niTE waS CHIP & DALE NITE
(strip tease onda stage)!
!wohooo~met strip-teAse..lady n waS h0t n..kinDA funniE also..deY haD EVERYBODY eyES OPEN n fixED at was FUn.dEn,a baNd-camELe0n midniTE,we WENt bacK h0ME..e r0ute wAs daRk n scaRy hah~
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {14:59}
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
hmm..t0dAe..TUesdaY..sLow dae..W0kE up aT 9..aTe breAKFast..sh0weREd & WaTChED carT00n..hehe..frEnCh 0f c0z =)..deN,frIed é yuMmIe cuRRy pUff's tAt muM juS maDE-yesTERdae..feW MinS laTa,muM CamE..wE haD 0uR LUnch & dr0vE t0 arCACh0n..weNt t0 frANCe teLEc0m-seTTLed 0uR faCtuRe pr0b n weNt baCk h0mE..0nce we'Ve reAChed h0mE,mUm asKEd mE WEther i wAnnA parK é CaR n i saiD 'YeS!y n0t??' hehe..t00Ked mE 15 mIns t0 parK é cAr n baCK h00mmeee~! =D eNd f0r t0dAeeeee
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:19}
Monday, 9 July 2007
mE WeekEnds at p0itiER-FridAe m0rnIn aT 8am,fEtchEd LuC & gaëLLe
..t00K dEM & WenT t0 briCo dêp0t..b0ugHt a fEw sHeLveS n baCk h0mE..t00k LunCh & wE PackeD 0uR bAgs-gEt reAdy f0r 0uR trIp t0 p0itiEr~!!=) aT 4pm,NatHaLie caLLed n t0LD us t0 g0 BacK instEad 0f fetcHin us..onCe reAcheD aT bigaN0S [natHALie's hse],wE g0t int0 é cAr & t00k 0FF!
natHAlie b0ugHT heR peT aLong t00..HubA[d0g] & GuLu
[caT]~!it t00k uS 3 hrS t0 p0itiEr
..wAt a draaaaG mann..d0 n0thinG in é cAr-jUs stAre aT é sceneRy n taKe pix=)
-graPEs [4 wiNes] &
-c0rNZ!..0nCe we'Ve ArriVeD
wE unL0aD 0uR thinGs n fiXed 0r teNt
..1st nIte,sLepT 0utSide
..sAw MILLIONS of sTars..hahak-c0untEd dEm liK CrAzY peePS in tEnt..SUDDENLY, wE saW a SH00TING STAR!!how c00L is tat MAnnn..xD ..4 0f uS maDe a wiSh-evEN T0t itS kinDa siLLy,but wE STILL madE A wiSh..LOL!NExT M0RNiNG,it waS DAMN-DARN COLD..é m0rnIn dEw maDe it w0rSt..wE we'RE shiVERin liKe leAvES..t00k breAkfAst-teA n g0t reAdy
-wiLD bathR00m bUt deRes a p0rtaBLe t0iLet..hehe..s0,we juS chANgeD N wiPeD 0URseLves..afTer tAt wEnt t0 interMARché [lik sh0P & SAve] b0uGHt f00dS-stUFf n baCk!at LunCh..haD STeamEd D0RadE & deN pLayeD wiF é peTs n kiDs..whiLe pLayIn,erNEst [é briTISH neiGhb0ur] CaME & inviTEd uS f0r apéritiF At 6pm [drInks n titBIts
]..wE geT REadY-T00k a sh0WER BehiND é cAr..hahak..LUCky thiNG n0b0dY saW us>< ..& wEnt t0 erNEst hSe..
hiS hsE iS liKe A dreAMLand feR aniMALs..gaawwdd-CUte raBBits,fLUffy duCks
& chIcKEN EVERYWHERE!!haha..n n0t t0 F0Rget,wiLD caTs~!
xD..afTer aPéritiF,wE wEnt t0 GiGi's hSe [Luc'S CousiN]..wHen wE ArriVed,5 d0Gs cAme t0 uS sniFFin..wE jUmpEd heRe & deRe t0 av0id e d0gs..fEw MIns laTa,patRick aSkeD uS t0 j0iN Him t0 sEE é hUNTing d0gs
..wE Went beHind é hSe..fuLL 0f fLOwers n TreeS n pLanTs n etc..riTe at é enD 0f é paTh dEres a caGE FULL 0f d0gs was HORRIBLE & SMELLY & NOISY..hahak..é d0gs r DARN BIG..g0sh..u wldn't wNt t0 b chAse b dem..atFer aLL tat l00kin,wE haD DInnEr & wE PLayed soCCer..sIs saw ANOTHER shootin stAR wAT a luCk>< ..wEnt baCK & tis tiMe,wE SLept in é aTTic
..s0 TAt wE woNt Get tOO coLd..2nd dAe-w0kE uP at 9..t00K breakFasT N pacKed 0uR itEms..pLAYeD freeSbee tiLL LunCh tiMe & conTinuE pLayIn
..haha..t00K oFF at 3 n aRRived at 6pm.Had a quiCk waLK thRu é broCant [seLLin of 2nd haNd iTems] n WenT fer a swim..nAt dr0Ve t0 heR werkIN pLaCe..a doct0Rs hse a VILLA n wE swaM in hEr BIG SWIMMIN POOL!!it was FUUNNN-even t0t we L00Ked lik thieVES heheh..deN,HOME SWEET HOOMME =D..i enJOyed mE wEEkEndS~!
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {18:46}
ThurSDAy m0rNIn, NathaLie [0ur 0Ld neigB0ur] caLLed uS n asKed wetHer wE waNNa j0In HEr t0 p0itiEr..whEre hEr hSe is siTUAted..shE's goIN oN friDae eveNin n bAck hOme on SUndAE EVenin..wiTH0uT anY HesitAti0n,wE aCCepteD n MuM,sIs n mE straIGHt aWay weNt t0 deCATHLon..iN seArch fEr mE siS swImmIng cosTumE=)..t00keD diffEREnt desIgn 0f c0sTume n sHe triED é enD-shE B0uGht 2 swImmIN C0sTUme n a sLippEr-as FeR me,i b0uGht a HaT n sLippErs t00~!muahaha..afTer wE finiShed sh0ppIn fEr c0stumEs..wE weNt to sh0P fEr f00ds-hahak..weNt t0 neTT0
[é entrance] n f0uNd haLaL NUgGeTS n chIckEN~!h0w c00L is Tattt..i n0e tt it s0uNds duMb..bUt itS é trUe faCt taT itS N0t eaSy t0 fiNd halaL meAT HERE-lol' =D ..
[sIS t00K a p0Se nEar e wiNe'z] afTer wE b0uGht f00dS,wE wAntEd t0 g0 to tiS sh0p[ermm,f0rgottEn é namE-hehe]..Sis & mE wAs gIGGLin oUr wAy wHen wE reaLiSe taT é D00R Didn'T 0pEn-in FacT,iTs an AutO-d00R..hahak-sIs kn0ckEd n i PeePed iN t0 sEE weTher dErEs ppL in..n deRes LOTS 0f ppl..den,mUm asKed wAt tiMe dId dis sh0p cL0seS..wE l00kEd aT H0raiReS n it cL0sEs at 19H..wE gLanCed at 0uR wAtch n f0Und 0Ut tAt its ALREADY 19H..--' iT wAS T0TALLY EmbaRassinG~!..hahak.wE lauFFeD n h0ppEd t0e neAresT builDing whiCh iS é maCD0naLd xD..We hAd a quIck bIte n WenT baCk h00mmee...=)
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:05}
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
w0kE up aT 11am-wAt a kn0cK 0ut..hahak..t00K brunCh-erM..breAkfAsT+LUNcH..=D..0nCe dAd fixeD é shELves t0geTher,i fiNished iT by giVin iT a poLIsh..DaRn it l00ks uniqUE xD!!haha~! dEn, mUM, sIS & mE weNt t0 auChan
..wE supp0sE t0 c0LLect mE c0ntaCt lenseS in é Specs sh0p..insteAD,wE b0ugHt stuFFz in aUChan
[enTRAnce 0f auChan]..mUm t0t 0f buyIn 0NLY 10 é eNd,wE b0ugHT M0RE deN 10 iTems -_-' ..chIt chAt t0waRds é sh0p
[waLKway 0f 0Tha sh0ps] & waT A LUck-st0Ck stILL havEN arriVed yeT-daMNN..g0tTA c0mE agAIN.. =/
wEnt baCk t0 cAr t0 dr0p 0uR thINgs iN a drIve baCk h0me wHen dAd caLLed n aSkeD t0 bUy naiLs..aaarrgghh..weNT baCk inT0 auCHan..wE quiCKLy grAb é thiNGS weNT baCk h0me..t00K diNNeR..aTe yuMmy strAWbErRy's!!
sss0000 RED n SWEET~!..heAvvenn mannn..xD When i wAs enJ0yin meseLF eatIN é strawBERRiEs, SUDDENLLY,dAd t0ld uS a bAD news..=( g0ttA g0 baCk t0 auCHAN t0 bUy M0RE naILs~!!hahak..wAt a LUCK...AGAIN..wE weNt baCk t0 auChan xS..tiS tiMe,siS Didnt c0Me aL0ng..shE staYeD BacK..0nCe f0unD é thinGs,PAyeD
[r0wS f caSHieR] N baCk h00mmee!!..whiLE muM wAs buSy parKin é caR Wif mE beSIde her-guidIN..a bLacK d0g passED by..i l00kEd aT it..feLt kinDa scAred..HAHAK.. its m0uTH wAs fuLL 0f saLIva..eeww~..erM..craZy d0g..dUn wAnnA gEt biTe by it..hahahak~!wAs b0ut t0 Get 0Ut 0f é cAr wHen it cAme-i quICKLy shUt é d00r..saME g0es feR muM..hahak..STILL in é caR,wE sh00Ed it..wHen iTs g0Ne,deN wE gEt 0uT 0f é cAr..wAt a LauFF~! XD..okaY-wAstEd é tiMe sh0ppin iN n 0ut 0f auCHan..hahaha
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:26}
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
aHhHhHh~e dAe sTartS wiF a sMiLe N a LauFF~!!(la journée c0mmeNce aV 1 souRir é d riRe~!!)muahahah`..ok,i s0unD freaKy..0h weLL,neBermiNd la..S0 L0ng me happY!! xD.. event0t itS 0vA buT stiLL me dUn miNd..e cL0ud sEemS dArK bUt dEn i stiLL feEL waRm n c0zY..chEErs to ALL!!x) (meMe c la fiN,c pA GRave..leS nuAges s0Nt grIs maI j'sEn t0uj0uRs chAUd & eT a l'aiSe)
wEnt t0 marIe aLexia's hsE (j'suI y aLLé cheZ M.ALexia)..wE 'tanNeD' 0URSeLf(0n a br0nzé) FeR me,n0 thAnk u BlacK eNUff..=P.. (pa la peIne p0uR mwa..j'suI déJA AssEz N0IR-hahak =P)
hAd enuFF 0f mE skiN dr0ppIn 0ff-iM beC0Min a snAke n0w (j'ai La peAu ki péLe..& j'sUi k0mmE 1 serpeNT maiNTEant~!)..ahahahk!..whiLe waitin fEr angELique t0 arrIvE,wE watcH tV n playEd wiF c0quIne-m.aLExia's cuTe cAT!xP.. (taNt q'0n aTTend AngeLiquE ,0n a REgardé la teLé & 0n a joué avEC c0C0-c0quIne)
buT i g0t frEak out coZ shE juS juMP t0 ur feEt n stArteD t0 SNIfF & plAy wiF feEt..argh~!tickLISh!! (c0C0 AD0RE TR0P d jouér eT c pA m0n trUc-hehe) shEs s0 playfuL maNnn..scaRy..=S 0nCe anGe arriVed,
wE juMped inT0 E p00l!! (quAnd anGe eSt arrivé,0n a SAuté ds L'Eau~!) e waTer wAs FREEZIN...-_-' e waTer waS aT 20dEg n we didNt giVe a daMn..ahahhak..'sposhhh' in we GO! (l'eAu eSt TRéS fr0ide..eLLe été 20 degree quAnd 0n eSt deDans..hahak-0n sEn fou =P) n0t l0ng laTa,m.AlexiA'S auNt frOm bretAgne [uP norTh 0f frAnce] caMe n leFT theIr itEMs n weNt off.. (ds pA L0ngtEmps,TantE D M.ALexia ki viEnt d BEtagne arriVe-iLs meT seS affAiREs et rePARti)
2hrs lata(2heURes + taRd,0n eTé S0Rti eT sEChé),wE weNT 0ut 0f e waTER n driED 0urseLF..plaYED m0rtaL kombAt-PS2 (0n a joué 0 m0rtAL C0Mbat-ps2)..ahahk..haD a guT laUff..iT wiLL bE muCh m0re fUn if it weRe REALLL (sA serai + biEn s'iL eté Réel-haha..TR0P la vi0lenCe-jaDORE!xD)..xD..tiRed 0F playin,wE atE ice-creAm n m.aLExia camE t0 feTch us..t00k trAin baCk h0mE..ReacHed at guJAN traIn stATi0,mum feTCHed mE bacck home~!!=)
tiLL NExT Time-peace~lovess*
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {19:00}
Sunday, 1 July 2007
OKAY-im geTTin a bit b0red n0w..hahak..l00ked thRu mE piCcA's n f0und deSe inTerestin piCtures taT i'vE t00kEd whEN i juS arrIvEd caRref0uR & hyPer U [Sh0ps t0 buY f00dS n aLL-likE shop n SAve] 
..kay-heRe r e sausaGeS TAt deY usuALLy eAt juS liddAt..erM kinDA lik saLAmi ar..haha..looks weirD..n iTs laRd 0f c0z..neXT,wE Hv e weiGhtin maChine
..oh-aT s'p0re,derE aLwaYs s0me0ne t0 weiGh fer us bUt heRe,seLF servicE~d0 it URSELF!hahak..dEy juS LOVE chEEse s00 MUch n heRe diFFereNt vaRIEty of cheesE..LOADS of Dem..
leTs Z00M t0 0ne 0f chEEse..n hEre we Hv..
-HUGE ONE!!hahak..
-t00k diS 0ne iN a MarKet..jUs l00k aT e h0Les..hehe..yuMmIE~!!..wE hv..
wiNess!!YYeeah mann..LOADS of wiNeS N N0T T0 MEnTI0N..alcoHoLic drINKs t00~!t00 bAd i diDnt t00k pix 0f deM..hehe..kay..n0W lets gEt 0utTa heRe..btw,wHen u buY sTUffS..u bAg dEM in pLasTIc bagS UrseLF yar~! xD..s0uNdS SiLLy bUt iTs e trUe fAct..Cashier 0nLy sCan sTuFFs n wAit FeR $$ & u sRuGGle baGgIN uR sTUffS in..hahak!..oh yA!gUeSS WatS dIS...--->
..yEEAh~!c0nd0mS RItE 0UTSIdE E pharmaCy..c00L huh-?hehe..dUn feeL shY,duN hv t0 fAce aNyb0dy JuS E macHine..hahak!..& &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp; & ALSO ..
..c0nd0mS in baR' ..sEE h0w 0pEN deY caN bE?~?..xD..n iT c0sT ONLY 1euR0 feR 5 meAns..only 2 buCks~!chEap riittee..=D ..kay-kay..enuFF,duN GeT MUsHy n aLL..leTs go t0 e beAch n i f0uNd dis!!..
..t0iLet!!paY b4 u g0 in ya..n dUn gEt stuCk insiDe!!..& f0und desE BEautyyy-
3 in a ROW..niCe mann..oh-yuMmie chErry t0mat0ES!!
..loVe dem!ermm bIt cr00kED buT its 0kAy'!x)
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:00}