Thursday, 30 August 2007
oh wAt a dAe'~! xD..woke up at 10:30..b4..slePT aT 3 wiF me fwEN..hahak..watCHed tv wiF sis 11am-nic0LaS caLLed me..maDE 0ur pLanings n meT him at 14h30..he caME t0 me hSe..dr0PPed hiS biKe at 0ur garDEn n g0tteN meseLF reaDy..wE waLked f0r 45 miNS f0r a 4.5km t0 the LaKe behinD me hse...& we diD colleCt s0me wiLD berriEs..dey WeRe VERY yummie~!!enj0yed 0urseLF eaTin berriEs,chit-chaTTin n waLkin..nyAHnyaHNyah... xP
arrivEd at b0ut 15h10..wE straiGHT awaY juMp inT0 e chiLLin water' xD n sunTannnn..ahaha' mayBE tiS wiL b 0ur laST tiMe tat we cAn enjoy e sun.. >< =( ..oh weLL..nvM la..hehe
at bout 16h45,wE t00K 0ff baCk t0 me b0ut 1 hr laTer,we reACHed baCK home...i rusHED meSELf reaDy n mum dr0ve me t0 my auTO sch00l..lucKy thiNg it wASn't s00 far..hahak-n i wAs e laST one to embarraSin ><...cLass lasT f0r 45 minS..n wenT back hoommee~!
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {23:27}
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Je suis une princesse {x3} Une robe assassineDes talons trop grands Sur ma bouche dessineTous mes désirs en brillant Un parfum me voleMon autre, troublant Cette envie qui me colleA la folie comme un gant Même après minuitEn terre inconnue Danse et je te suisComme si j'étais perdue Loin de ces royaumesEt ces contes de fée Toutes mes pages déchiréesMoi je suis une princesse La reine de ma rueOui je suis une princesse Ennemie du temps perduUne femme à la recherche A la recherche d'un aimantPour ma peau Pour danser mille et un tangosMa robe assassine Déchirée, se froisseSur ma bouche amère Je voudrais que tu m'embrassesNos jambes se croisent Mon cœur est touchéNos corps s'apprivoisent La raison est en dangerJe suis une princesse Royaume inconnu Oui je le confesseC'est un malentendu Même si la vie blesseTous les contes de fées Laisse-moi t'emmenerMoi, je suis une princesse La reine de ma rueMoi, je suis une princesse Ennemie du temps perduUne femme à la recherche A la recherche d'un aimantPour ma peau Pour danser mille et un tangosJe mets mon cœur à nu Moi, je suis une princesseLa reine de ma rue Oui je suis une princesseEnnemie du temps perdu Une femme à la rechercheA la recherche d'un aimant Pour ma peauPour danser mille et un tangos Pour danser mille et un tangos
*me FAv s0ng fEr now-it juS wAnna maKe u dAnCe e taNG00 maNN-gr00ve it~!!*
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {15:13}
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {15:11}
Monday, 27 August 2007
it waS sc0rchin h0t t0dae..teMP was 40 degrEEs >< ..w0ke up at 10:30-hahak..wakinp laTEr den usuAL..xP at n00n,ate e remainIn mee REbus..caLLed 'orange'-frANCe tELecom (liKe stARHub) b0ut our inTERNet..n weNT t0 e poST t0 delivER icHan's charLIe chaPLin's HAt~! c0st me 24euR0S..lucKy thing itS not T00 expenSivE =D..den..weNT t0 'champi0N & L'idLE' buY f00ds..onCe i've reACHed back h0me,diG ouT aLL the ingrDIents t0 maKE C0NFLakeS biscuiTS ...n it wAs yuMMieee~!!*slurrp* muaaha..n onE funniE thinG wE Did waS..wE saNG 'STand By Me' wiF mum clinkin e the BaSS player-wif an elecTRical guitAr n sis sTRummin the accouStic guitAr as the meLOdy..we haD SOO muCh fun a laufTER~!!hahaha..n0t long lata-dAd caMe baCk from werkkk.... eND of t0dAeeee~ =D wisHin u guYs guD Nite-sWeet dreAMs..tiLL neXt time-ciAO~!
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {23:09}
Friday, 24 August 2007
yeeeyYY~! i'vE finiSheD makiN pinEAPPLe taRTS..fhew~waT a weRK..wE t0t 0f seLLin dEm 0NcE WE'Ve g0t e RIGHT taSte..wohoo0-m0neyyy' hahak~ xP feRST try-todAy- e taSTE waS a bit boLD feR e fL0ur buT iTs ok..can PaSs la..muahaha..tiS usuAL,tiME passED veRY fast..m.aLEXia caME oveR 0N M0ndAe eveNin n PLAnned t0 sLeep ova c0z tmr(tueSdae) we'RE g0in t0 hv a reuiN0n(0ut) wiF ceciL n cELine =) wE spENt 0ur niTE by g0ssippin
b0ut 0ur fwENz n we watcHED 'h0ney' a fam0us hip-hop movie~.
.tueSDAe-aTE NAsi leMAk(yummie~ xD) fer 14h,muM seNt uS(m.aLExia n mE) t0 'auCHan'(sh0ppin maLL)..waiTed feR e gaLs t0 arriVe..wE met-lauFF n maDe n0ise-lik HELL..bout 17h30, i wAs reADy t0 takE e traiN wif m.aLEXia..leFT earLY coz hv highWAy coDe cLass at 6~!xD..i wAs NEARLY late whEN m.aLExia's dAd caMe n sAVed me..he dr0ve me t0 my sCH' hehe-luCKY m0I~ =D..n tat's e FErst tiMe i haD a l00nnggg chAT wiF tiS bLond guY-smALL size'CUte~!..hhak..AnyWae,siNC tt dAy onwARds,he saT BESIde me or behiNd me n DISTURBED me indA cLass..wE evEN g0t sc0Lded fEr makin n0ise aT baCk ofdA CLass'hha (embarraSin mannn xS)..n t0dae-fridae..he n aLLan(an0ther Fwen of miNe-blonD-grEEn TINY eyes & hiS heiGht is 1m90~!) t00k diER highWAe c0de teST at aRCAChon..aLLan paSSed..but as FeR him-hE didNt geT it'..aLLan t0Ld me tat he waNNa be wif me --' wAt a duMB ass'!!he did it on purpoSe' ><>< --'..ondA 31-hv to coLLect me booKs n buYs BOOKS~!oh-ohh...xD
kaY-bYE n0w~! tchuSSSSS...=D
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:26}
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
HeY peePss~!! im bAcckk..afTer 1 weEK 0f MIA..n0w im bAck..muahaha..acTuaLLy..n0t muCh thingS hv beEN g0in 0n..0r maYbe L0ts 0f thinGs hv paSSed jUs taT i didNt reALise it..><> wAs beautiFul wIf é sUn rAy n aLL..we caN seE é briGht col0ur'hehe =D 0nCe we've reAched é plaCe..wE weNt to thE c0TTen caNdy stAnd n i maDe myseLF a canDYY!!hahak..iT fLew heRE n dEre...t0 teLL e truTh,iTs VERY diffiCULt to maKe coTTen candy'! x) inDa enD..
i'vE manaGed t0 maKe a 'MINI' cotteN Candy..hahas.. afTER é S0ccEr,NetBall and captAins baLL match betWeen e men's...inda End,deREs a gaME feR wAs a 'tug 0 wAr' game~
hahak..siS n mE j0ineD in wIf e 0ther.."makCIk-aunties" n wE loosstt! =( t00 bad..haha..mY gr0up wAs fuLL of SKINNY pe0PLe..but the 0theR sidE wAs é opposiTe >< ourselves =")..afTER">
..enj0yed é sUn..n siLence tiLL 3 pm..g0ttEn 0urseLveS reAdy n weNt t0 taBac neAr 0ur hse..pLayed biLLard (as usuAL) & aT 5, I weNt f0r my 'higHwaY C0De' cLass..riGht afTer cLass,wE weNt t0 dad's fwEn hse fEr diNNer..aTe sup KAMbiing-mbbeeekk' haha..iT wAs n0t baD..afTer é laTE dinnEr,weNt baCk hm at midNite..eveNt0t its ald late..we-gaLs stiLL sLeep yet..muahah..wE watChed "sch 0f r0cK" THEN we wEnt t0 bedd!! =D 09/08/07 - 'sinGAp0re natiONAL day' dAd hAd a 1 daY,wE intenDed t0 go t0 é neW EUR0asiE sh0P at b0rdeAux..beF0re wE reAch at é sh0p,wE weNt t0 'toys'R'us' feRst..den t0 'IkeA'(fEr f00d)..anD to 'ALice' a b00ksh0p..neXt-wEnt t0 eur0aSia sh0p t0 bUy asiaTik f00ds..wE had DinnEr in a M0r0cAn resTaurant..& backk h00mmee!! aS fEr é foLLowin fEw daYs tiLL now,i diD s0me cLeanin 0f é h0use..maDe a fEw aPPLe tarT(VERY yummiE-yanno xP)..heLPed mum c00kEd LakSa n maDe suJII biscuiiT~!..Went t0 é laKe aLso..beHind me h0usE wiF a fwEn 0f miNe-ben0it n wE haD a grEAT chat =D enJ0yeD meseLf~! xD..0h weLL..sCh re0peNin n0t L00nnggg!!suMMer ruNNin awAy n sUnsettin FAST...
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:45}
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
t0dAe...aout 8 2007...w0kE up at 10aM..sh0wEr..dEN Ate KebAb feR LUncH...YUmmie~! 13h30..g0ttEn 0urseLveS reAdy n weNt t0 "0ranGe" liKe "starHub" at ARcaChon..siNCe e weatHER waS noT hoT oR coLd..ArcAch0n seeMS t0 b paCKed ppl~!! xD ..soooo amaZin h0w maNY caRs deRe G0sh --' ..sinCe itS n0t 14h YET, E sh0p wASN't 0peN yeT WHen we'VE arriVed..iTs SOOO trUe tt frENCh ppL D0ES taKe liFe easiLy..whEn itS staTed taT it wiL opeN at 14h deN, 14H it wiL BE~!!&& n0t EARLIER ya...tatS Fer SurE ><
AftEr We'Ve solvEd our pr0b, wE t0t 0f st0ppiN anYwhEre n hAVe a waLK buT DUe t0 e UnFL0wneSS r0aDs n fuLL parKin lot,we WEnt straigHt hm..reACHed at guJAn, muM st0p feR a breAk at TAbac..oF coZ,siS n mE plaYEd biLLard!!hehe =D..haD 2 pLay..fErsT..Sis Won..nExt wAs me!! b0uT 16h30,weNt baCk h0me..siS n mE quiCkLy prepaREd crumBLe appLe..wHen itS all ReadY,at 17h45, mum seNt mE t0 le teiCh feR my c0dE LEsSon (lik higHWay c0de)..FiniShed CLass aT 19H..i did e PArkin n baCk h00meee..haD bbq feR diNNer
*enD 0f t0dAe*
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:02}
Monday, 6 August 2007
wENt T0 Gaelle's 17th b'dAe parTy 0n e 4th..HAd diNNer tiLL 23hr..haD l0Ts 0f ChattIn n FUN!!GaELLE wAs E ANgeL of e niTe n FLeur wAs e DEviL 0f d niTe..deY weRe VERY sweeT wiF diEr wingsss..sLEPt at heR hse n wE t0rn e wh0le niTE.chit-chat-blablabla till 8 8 wE had a nAp til 9 n t00k breAkfaST N wE starTED a wh0LE new daeee~!! very tiring yaNNo..ahahak..n0t eaSY t0 stAy awaKe wiF 0ur eyES heeaavvvyy..--'& t0dae..wEnt t0 e cineMA wiF ben0it n peepS...e ciNEMa waS packed..FULL 0f ppl..siNce iT waS a raiNy dae...ALL e ppl fr0m ARCachon camE t0 la tesTe t0 waTch movies..n iT waS T0TALLY inCReDIBLe..itS lik deRe b0ut 900+ ppl at e CInemA n deRe's ONLY 2 countER..--'
wE WAtched 'harry P0ttEr'...n iT wAs n0t reALLy exciTin n inTEREstin as e previ0uS 0nes..t00 bad..aftER e m0vie..wE waLK to e poRt..breATH n FREsh air n t00k trAin baCk h00mmee...NIce dAe i hAd~! x)
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:43}
continuati0N..hehe..3rd dAe..aftEr lunCh,we Went to wAtch 'tour De frAnce' LIVE!! was TOTALLY waS suNNy n aLL..e beSt paRt was..DeY tHR0w itEm feR suveniRS & fUn..deY evEn spRAy waTer!!n iT wAs tiringg..S0me tiMes,dEy miGht eveN juS thR0w iT at 0uR heAd~!! s0 unc00L.. mann..
ppL indA caR threW E iteMS..
..afTer h0uRs 0f waitin..AT LAST,e tiMe arriVed..TADAA-

..whEn its aLL d0ne..itS ald 6 pm..0nCe wHen we've arriVEd at e m0biLEhm,muM n dAd haD e stEAM B0at reaaaddyyy~!! n0t l0ng laTa,wE hAd fuN eatin..yummieee~!*slurrpp*. 4th dAy-LAst daE..w0kE up at 9..g0T reAdy n pACKed 0ur itEMs..n t00k 0ff t0 spaiN..e riDE was VERY VERY terriBLE..wE hv t0 TRAvel Up n d0wN E m0untaiNs..sis NEary vomiTed-lucKY thinG she DIDNT!! xD..atE at e resTAUrant..
SpaniSh trEAts..n weNt feR sh0pping!! ahahak.wE enj0yed 0ur sELf al0t..b0ughT a shAde-saMe wiF mari0N..=)
..n you guYs n0e wat..aT spain,deY STILL seLL MARIJUANA~!!n0w deN i reAlise tat in 'rEd buLL' , deREs biT 0f marijuaNa..but at frAnce,itS banned bc0z 0f diS..t00 bad xD
-hU waNna trY dis??muahaha..u wiLL g0 hiiiiggghhhh ~
..afTer sh0pping..wE weNt baCk t0 fraNce..t00k 0ff at 22hr n arriVED at 2 AM...h0me sweET h0me~! *enD 0f 0ur trip t0 pyreness*
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:48}
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {10:36}