Sunday, 30 September 2007

eVEn wiF a SimPLe 'twEeTY BirD' tiSSue, wE wr0Te dediCAti0n to kiLL 0uR boreD0m-2 hRs 0f frEE tiMe ' xD..sAt aT e beNCh 0ut coLd N wiF 0uR iCy haNds,wE wr0Te tis
[même avec un m0uch0ir,nous avons écrit dEs p'tit m0tS pour tuer notre ennui - 2hRs d LibRe. aSSis suR le baNc deH0rs-fr0id,avec nos mains glaciales, nous avons écrit ceci ]:

(FiFi p0wEr- liVE 1ES1 [0uR cLass =)]

by: EduaRd ;

(yEah! h0rrAy 4 mE faNs~!) ;

(1ES1 preSENts- JusTaine');

(beAUtifuL tiSSue! u r riGht- liVE 1ES1! n twEEtyyy!!) by: maD0 ;

(...3 smaLL d0ts... 0tHer deN tis, i duNN0 wAt eLse t0 wriTe) by:niC0Las ;

(fiFi, a stuDent liKe othERs. FiFi -> P0PStar yeesssss) by:vaLENtin =)..n t00K pix 0f c0Z..haha!

T0p:JustaInE, boTT0m: Pau n VavA ;

jus l00k aT e g0rGE0us eyeessss!!

muaacckkzz~! &..peAce makeRRR!! XD

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:34}
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Your view on yourself:You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education:Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long. *
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:14}
List the top 5 present u wish for:
-> pAsS my BaCcALaureAt (FrenCh LeVeL)
-> kiLL e enGLish teAchEr >HAHA! - nah'~
-> haPPy feR evERy peePs'
-> beC0me riCh
-> asK fer M0RE wish...~xD
Answer the following questions:
The person who tagged you is: AnNe LieW KaiXin
Your relationship with him is: mE beStpaL =D
Your 5 impressions of aNne.
-kiNda soFt heArted( yeAh-heeh)
-cRAzy (lik ME xD)
-sWeeT gaL~! (yuMMie-HAH')
The most memorable thing she had done for you: shE's aLwAys deRe to heLp me
The most memorable words she had said to you: i wiLL miSS you
If she becomes your lover, you will: i wiLL....ermmm
If she becomes your lover, things she has to improve on: TAT dae wiL NEVA COME- hahk!
If she becomes your enemy, you will: taLK n seTLLe e maTTer ASAP
If she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:.....
The most desired thing you want to do for her now is: be F0RevA FweNzz~!!
Your overall impression of her is: niCE,swEet,fuNNie,craZY gAL~ =D
How do you think people around you will feel about you:hmmm...craZY n cheerFUL tyPE
The characteristic (s) you love of yourself is /are: smiLe aLwaYs..happY g0 lucky!!
On the contrary. the characteristic (s) you hate of yourself is/ are: ermm...bossy...?
The most ideal person you want to be is: ME
For people that care and like you, say something to them: i miSS u guYs SOOOOO MucH..l0vE u guYs...n thANks t0 u guYs-u maKE me daeeee =D
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {14:52}
Saturday, 22 September 2007
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {00:19}
Friday, 21 September 2007

fRidaE niTe is t0nite...0h g0Sh..tw0 weEks hv paSSed..FREakin faST mann...i feLT tt it wAs onLY a wEEk ag0 tt i'vE juST startED ScH..but n000000ooo..iT wAs 3 weEks ago..hahk'~!
a 'SMALL' inciDEnt happENed to me on 13-09-07(thUrSdae) tt i c0uLD'Nt f0rGEt tiL i REALLY get it 0ut..heRe it g0es---suPP0singLy i haVe 2 meEt the priNCIpal in 0rdER t0 chANGe me 2nd LanguaGe cLass..i WannA chANge fr0m spaniSH t0 eNGLisH fer me 2nd LaNguaGe..but den..whEn i meT é secREtary at 10am,n asKed wetHer i caN meEt é principaL & sHe rePLieD,"e prinCIpal is N0t in hiS offiCe now"..maYbe itS n0t me Luck so,i ASked heR BcK.."d0 u n0e whEn wiL he b bAck...?"...n shE maDe a faCe & anSWer,"no,i duNN0..g0 n finD urseLF"..i juS waLK off..*wAt a RUDE n OLD FREAKIN LAdy-i FEEL like puLLing her hAir n SLAPPin heR WRINKLED face-arrgghh~!!*..but nvm..N when Eng leSSon stARTs, é teACher sh0uTed at me "i hv bAd neWs f0r u..i MeT é prinCIpal diS m0rnin at 11am n hE saiD tt u dId'nt meet him-y did'Nt u meeT é princiPAL?!?"-i t0ld her bAck"i'vE beeN searChin 4 hiM fr0m 10AM..h0w cld i kn0w whEre did he g0??"..dEn AGAIN-its n0t my LUCK..g0t sCREamed infr0nt 0f é wh0le cLass..LucKY thiNg tt é peePs did'Nt unD waT's g0in on(sHe spEAKed enGLIsh-n e stuDENts don't reALLy und xD) i weNt t0 é 0ffice n f0und out tt hiS office is DEEP in é buiLDing..-.-' SuDDenly,i jus bR0ke dwn wHen i've f0und é prinCIpal..hE t0ld me tt EveRYthin wiL b seTTLed dwn n i duN hv t0 b in tiS kinD 0f stATe..iT wAs SOOO embarraSIN..n FUTHER MORE,my F0RM TeacHEr caMe 2 é 0fficE n he saW me crying..T_T..DARN IT' é enD 0f é taLK,i receiVed a leTTer n weNt bcK 2 é enG f0Rm teaCHER T0Ld me "c0uraGe et REprenDre tes esPRits = u caN d0 it & caLM ur spiRit"..n fr0m tt daY onwaRDS,i TOTALLY-REALLY-REALLY HATE é ENGLISH TEACHER to é COREEEEEE '~! >< 
sAt(15-09-07) weNt t0 b0rdeAux n haD 0ur feRst break fasT(bukA puaSa)~!here,wE fasT(puAsa) fer 14 HRS o.o & furTher m0re,itS c0ld inda m0rnin n H0T at n00n >< é resTAurant,é ownEr gaVe us 'Ch0rba'-a m0r0caN hv vermiCELLe,beAns n it taSte yuMMie~! ><
okAy,é piX did'Nt seEm t0 b S00 appetizing enuFF'lol..but,itS a MUST t0 try xD
-- tiS is wAt mum n dAd haD..FRieD chicKen..n tiS is wAt i had
chiCken taJin(marOC diSh)!!..& sis had dis
KefTa (bEEf)..maYbe we'RE g0in 2 b0rdeAux agAin tmr..=)
as feR t0dae;21-09-07..i haD frEE time fEr 2 hrs fr0m 15H to,NicoLas,ValenTiN,EduARd,JustiNe,PauLinE n CLémentiNe haNG 0ut 0f é scH..n0thinG t0 do..taKe pix~! xD hEre r me FwenZ..
heRe's VaLentiN n (i dunn0 waTs her naME c0z shE's n0t me fwEn n n0t in me CLass~! xP) playiN wiF ChErrY LiP Gl0SS..fiGhtin wiF it & draW eaCh 0theRs faCe wiF it.. -.-' s0 chiLDish mann xD ..0nda FL00r,u can SeeEEe..JUstine!!
..shE's reLaxin onda stReeT..hahas..
niCo,cLémeNTine n EduArd(DuDu)..iTs a caNdid sH0t.. =X 
my FAN!!vavaaaaa' xD...btW,me-FiFi,diEr IdoL..VaVa(18) & duDU(17) r mE FANSSS ~!=D i juS ad0ree thESE gUYs..dEy r soooo ad0raBLE!! LuRVE DEMmmm!!xD..& laSt buT n0t lEast pix tt i'vE t00k wiF dem..vaVA-mE-nepHew(niCo)!inFr0nt 0r é scH LibraRy..
..VAva jUs liKes t0 disTurb me o.o ..nOt faiirrr!!...
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:48}
Sunday, 16 September 2007
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {18:40}
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:27}
LasT niTe (tuESDay-12/09/07) at 20H15,nic0Las n hiS muM feTChed me..wE weNt t0 e daNCe sch t0gEDerrr'~!..whEn we'Ve arriVEd,e pLace waS fuLL of 30+ yeArs oLd c0upLe n 4 y0ung giRLs (13 yeARs old) wAs embaRAssin maNNN..but STILL, we enj0yed leaRin e 'r0CK & cha-cha-cHA' danceee...~! xD..we daNCed fer 1Hr30mins..bY e tiMe we've finiSHed dancing,ouR LeGs beCAme weAk n awfuLLy achin..hahahk n wE stiL caN daNCe e 'TecH-T0Nic' daNce 0utsiDE 0f e SCh00L a 22h..HAHA' XD..n0t l0ng laTer,hiS dAd feTChed us n wE went back hoommmee-wAt a tirin daeeee >< social=" Social"><..feR an h0ur and haD 2 h0uRs of matthhhsss~! oh g0sshhh..sooo-confuSSed..buT lucKy thinG its 0nly a revision..muahaa..t00k bus baCk h0me..n arRiveD h0me at 13h45..tirEd..n hunGry..hahahak..ate RendAng ayammm-yummmiie *sLurrpp* n g0in to e c0de cLass at 5 latA'''...wiSh me luCK feR me highWay c0dE pracTiceee =D
Labels: e
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {15:39}
Friday, 7 September 2007
yeeeYYY~! iTs aLreAdy fridaee..muAHAHa...feRst dAy of sch..whiCh is on..tuEsdae-4th of 14h, reACHed at scH..l00keD at e b0arD fer me cLass n i wAs LisTed iNt0 e cLass tat i didNt wAnt t0 g0 >< ..wEnt feR A chANgmeN n i eNd up n e SAme cLass as NIcoLas~!!(w0rTh aLL 0f my ruNNing heRe n dEre-fhewww~) cOoOoOLL mann...afTEr finiSH aLL..niCo n me weNt fer a waLk to e cineMa..onCe we've reACHed,its aLreADY 16h..we'VE misSeD e feRST Movie whiCh is At 14h ..& e neXT movIe is at 18H..wE WerE t0TALLY frusTRated n weNt back hoMe wiF buS n train..>< ..lucKY thinG it oNLy coSt us 1 euRos f0r e trANSportation (2bucKz)..onCe i'vE g0t hm..wE haD a chAt wiF mDm viDAL(0uR l0veLy neigh0ur) & shE t0Ld t0 pLucK e appLes..yummIeee~! slurrp** wE coLLectEd ReD n grEeN appLes in a BIGGGG pLAstic bag..hahak-wE haD fuN shAking e trEe n appLes dr0ppin 0nt0 ur heAds xD 

--'desperATE HOuseWIVes'..deN,sis AsK weTher we caN riDe e biKes at e paTh behinD n 0ff we GO~!! aTe e wiLd beRRies 
whiLe riDIng bike..hahak- luCKy thinG N0 ST0macHacHE fEr us xD..t00k pix 0f suN set aLso..s0 beauTifuLL...
red n 0ranGe n bLue..
'heAven- e f0LL0wing daEs at scH tiLL toDae waS t0 e 'buTTerfLies' inDa stomAch xD..oh weLL,i meT my 0ld fweNz..n meT neW frieNDs aLso...i thiNK im g0in t0 dr0p t0 beD now!!im FREakin tirEdd mann..hahahk..aitEz,tiLL neXT time..bye!!
people c0me-pe0ple go'
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {23:15}
Monday, 3 September 2007
Yeah, yeah
Fireball again yeaheah
a-hahaha uhuhuh let's go-let's go
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
This girl of mine, she’s always teasing me but she looks so fine yeah (yeah)
Maybe the night till will be pleasing me
Maybe tonight yeah
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
ahahaha uhuhuhu let's go
Don’t waste my time,
You know you want it girl,
You can be mine, yeah
You can’t deny how much you want it girl
You will be mine, girl
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
ahahaha uhuhuhu let's go-let's go
ahahaha uhuhuhu let's go-let's go
Will never forget the day we first met
It was so perfect, girl
And I know that you can bet that you was mine, yeah
Is my, mine girl, you was mine mine mine
Everything was fine, girl girl
Everything was fine fine fine, yeah
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
ahahaha uhuhuhu haheha
ahahaha uhuhuhu haheha
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
What I What I want, What I what I want to
To you, you know yeah, yeah pretty lady
You’re the one all over me and that’s what I wanted too baby
hahaha hohoho (4x)
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {00:48}
Sunday, 2 September 2007
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {17:48}
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:45}