im baCCkkkk'~! baCk fr0m paRis..baCk frOm DisNeyLand..actuALLy-reTurneD hm on friDay noon..hehe..buT too,chiLL ferST..kaY-suMMary 0f 0ur triP to PariS' DisneyLAnd..5 daYs: 2 dAYs fer e trIp to & fro + 3 daYs at e paRK.. 
Mon 29/10: we stEpped ouT of e hsE at 8:15am..
niCoLaS n hiS dad fetcheD us-gaLs & we fetched Nic0's unCLe at mi0s..40 minS driVe fr0m our pLace..n staiGHt to PariSS..4hR lata,we haD a luNch brEAk n cntiNued 0ur r0utiNe..arrIved at PariS' Ch0isY le R0i at b0ut 18:30..wEnt t0 hiS unCLe's appartemEnt-cozy' hehe..atE chiCKen taJine- mum maDe - fer diNNer n sLePt' =)
tuEs 30/10: w0ke up aT 6:40am..t00k a sh0wer n atE 8:15am,weNt to e TRain staTion..n wE haD 3 trAin to taKe..
1st-trAin; 2nd-(LiK MRT); 3rd-traiN agAin..iT waS trin in e eNd but itS wortH e long riDe..wHen we 1sT arriVe at e PArk,iT wAs FULL of peePs & e pLace seeMs to attRAct LOADS of peOPLe..~!!
whEn u arriVed theRe,itS like a DREam coMe trUE'~ VERY CoLourfuL, (coLD of coz) n thE pLace seeMs veRY MAGICCCC' hahahah' ..1st dae: weNt to DIsnEy StudiO whEre it's fuLL of inD00r activiTies..
(stUnt caRs show-wif 3 red cars, 6 blaCK caRs n a feW bikes)
(2 caRs tiLtin to e leFt) tiLL 17h, wE havE ended e paRk n weNt t0 DisneyLand Park'...haD 0ur diNNer
(yuMMie-yummie; niColas dad n sis)n c0ntiNue pLayin e 22h,wE weNT back h0me..t00k e traiNS againnn' 
weD 31/10: wE rePeaTed e saME rouTine..sH0wEr, breAKFast n t00k e traiN..haD lunCH n cntiNue pLayin e gaMEs
-me,sIs,niCo's uncLe [HenRy] & niCOLas)...den at 20h weNT bacK h0Me... thursDay 01/11:
(DisneyLand H0teL) laSt daY at e paRk.. same rouTine againnn!! but tiS time,
we T00k l0ts of pictures coZ we kinDa pLayed aLL e gaMes on wed' xP it was reLAxin n fun lik e othER days =D..after diNNer,we weNT fer sh0ppiNg n said g00dbye t0 e parK & tooK e traiN back hommmeee ... ><
friDae 02/11: Last Day at PAris..dis tiMe,we w0ke up at 7am..haD a sh0wer n breAkFasT..wE paCKed our baGs..wiF a feW biSouxX (kiSS at e CHeeKz) n g00d'bYe waVe~ =D wE're on e wAy baCk h0meeeee ..7 hRs latEr,we'Ve rEAched h0me, tirEd n aLL of ouR enERgieS draiNed out'..
saT 03/11: at 19h30, weNt t0 daMien's (niCole's n J.P HsE aLso) Le TeiCh..mum friEd e inSTAnt neMs n wE br0UgHt it to thiEr hse..wE atE musCLe's n aTe a caKe fr0M paYS baSQues (a c0unTRy) f0r 22h30,wE weNt baCk home!!oh ya-daMien gaVe us a poT of fLower fr0m ThaiLand
=) e fLowers r sooo pweetie'!!
thankz DAmieN xP! sometimes,people can be SO iRRitATing...
sometimes, people can be SO BOssY...
WheN u croSSed upOn DEse peopLe, n deY acted TAT way..
u feel lik walkin away...BUT u can't, dey wiL ALWAYS swAy back to u..
n whEn it REALLY gets t0 ur neRVe, u feeL lik kickin'/slapin' tt person jus to shut tat person up..BUT u can't do it..ur brain ask for VIOLENCE
BUT ur body jus didn't obey...
f0und out tt people r n0t e way tt u tot they might be...
found out tt people can change SUDDENLY...
found tat people r unPREdictabLe'