Thursday, 27 December 2007

e weAther seEms to cLeared ouT whEn e suN roSe...but whEn e suNseTs, foGGin appEared evERYwherE n ccooooLLLDDDDD wiNd starTed to bL0w..x-mAs evE,weNt t0 AucHan wiF e wh0Le famiLy n diD soMe sh0ppin..siNce e neXt day (whiCh is x-mas day) daD is n0t g0in f0r weRk..s0,faMiLy outin to e maLL..

at e maLL,eVeryb0dy stARted t0 ruN heRe n deRe..its inCREDibLe h0w paCKED e pLace was n pe0pLe grAbbin thinGs as if it was frEE' HAH!scARy tot >.< & e maLL cL0sed eaRLier den usuAL due to x-mAs eve..

whEn we'Ve d0Ne wiF sh0ppin & whEn we'vE reaChed ouT of e maLL..foggin eVerywhere..

we caN't eVen see e r0ad cLearLy

..reAched hm, waTched tv n reLAxxx..hahak chrisTmas day, we waTched moVies on net fer e wh0Le day' xD khakahahk..wh0Le faMiLy sat infr0nt of e compuTer n staRe at e was a sL0w day yet, fun =) T0day, i had a waLK fr0m 9am tiLL 14h wiF nepHew at e laKe behiNd me hse..

1 hr fer 4.4 KM..

n we diD 5 hrs of waLKin..hahak! mornin- SOOOO VERY e coLd!! feEt frEEzin..

finGers aLs0 n ruNNin noSe' we can't eVen feeL 0ur finGer tips..its TAT COLD..hahak..but den- we STILL conTinue n00n,e sUn stARTed to coMe,e suN ray maDe us wArm..wE eVen SAw sm0Kes c0min out oF me sh0es'hahaha aftEr e waLK,i haD luNch n muM dr0ve us (siS n me) to AUchan [aGain- ya,i noE BUT diffErent day okay x) ] t0 buY fer me sis her conTact lenSes ~! xD

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:31}
Monday, 24 December 2007
AT LAST..after 3 wEeks of siLence n suSpence... i met him toDay.. made piNeaPPLe tarts feR e wh0Le day.. ermm..breAks in betWEEn of coz..wouLdn't waNNa breAk my sh0uLders..hahaktuRns out tt e TArts r e pReseNts feR DamiiEn xD [i maDe it wiF l0ts of love yaNNo0 HAHAH! ] anywae' dad bouGht 2 of his fwEnds t0 Damien hsE so tt dey caN ch00se whiCh pLant deY wannA buy =) riTe aftEr he weNt t0 hiS fwenDs hse.. i caLLed him n asKed him wetHer he caN c0me n feTch e taRts tt i've madE coz im SUre at x-mAs evE, itS parrttyyy fer dem',bettA give it nw or neva' =D at 22h30, he arriVed n we haD a chaT..he seeMs to b cooL wiF mum [coZ shE lauFF likE craZy whEn i teAChed him h0w to sae 'tanGan = hand' ]he's soooo cute sia..he's haVin bit of diffiCULties in pronouncin e 'ngan' n TAT made mum lauffed her heAd off ..n okAy wif dad [ eveNt0t he hesiTated t0 taLk t0 dad, he stiLL survived lar ]..he's chiLLin wiF me parents..gut news..hahah! n he maDe a promiSe to dad wheNeva we go out.."NO BIKES " r aLLowed..hahak' DArN..i tot i wanna hv a ride or wat..but NOOO...NO BIKES! 4 whEELed vehiCle can..but not 2..hehen e BEST part was...mum toLd him if i weRe to go out wiF him,he hv to asK dad fersT..HAHAK! we're teACHin him maLaY styLe now.. >.< hiS caR madE a BIG "VR00M" noiSe whEn he swiTched e engine on.. =.='den..he sh0wed me hiS appaRtemen tt he's goin to shiFt in..we wenT to e poRt..but den,beeN shoooed oFF by a security guArd..[coZ,itS oysTer seaSon now-dey afraiD tt peEps wiL steAL diier oysters] den...we chaNged our pLace..weNt to Le Teich insTead..n ovA dere' NOBODY disturbed us..hahak' we chat n lauff n smiLe tiLL 1h30..n he senT me back homeeee==== gUys~ waTch out feR neXt yeAR's haRi raYa (2008)!! i guESS he's comin ovA t0 see our ceLebraTioonnn coz mum inVited him to comE aLong..siNce he's g0in to thaiiLand,he wiLL dr0p by at s'pore..wohoooo~! maT saLLeh inda hse..khaahkah!! ====
suSpenSe fer e pix' MUAHAHA...okay' im not goNNa REVEAL him CLEARLY kay..*n0t fer n0w* heRes a pix of him n me inda car..i noe tt its a TOTAL BLURR...but i dun MIND..hahak..any coMMents peepS?? xD btw..he's a daRK hairEd guy..hahahak!! is he MY ROMEO wHich GraNd vaLou-VaLou haVe preDicted....?xDoh ya- inda end...he reCeived beGedeL (mini potAT0 cake) , saTay tt daD have maDe b4 AND e pineAPPLe tarTS..he haD e WHOLE sett of meAL.. StarTers = beGedeL ; maiN = saTay ; deSSert = kuih taRt >.<>!!tt is.... "NEVA DIE OF HUNGER " - aaaahahaah
hoLd me tight coz im goNNa fly up to e skyyyyyyyy... xP
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {02:18}
Sunday, 23 December 2007
diD nthg yeSt...exCept chaT on MsN n ph0ne..den...chAt n ph0ne aGain ( peEps at s'poRe )..hahak

anyWay- whEn daD arriVed hm fr0m weRk, he saiD "leTs go fer jln-jln aT arCACh0n lah"..minuTes later - we'rE REady t0 takE off to arCA...saW peEps ice-skaTin wAs VERY cold duE to e ice

..heehee..tiS time..we didN't feLL e urGe to skaTe on ice..duNNo y..mayBe we're not gLoves n meNtaLLy prepAred..furtHer m0re deRes kiDs onda ice..hahak..mayBe bcoZ of tt >.< ..

wE bouGht maR00Ns n gauFRes au NuteLLa (wAffLes ) *yuMMie-sLurrp* n wE weNt t0 e inDian reSTAUrant fer diNNer..hahak

[its mum n sis- last min pose] haD chaPati.. & its not e same LiKe e 0nE at s'pore of baddd T_T but we stiLL enjoYed eatiN diNNer..

haD fun eatiN togeder...whoLe famiLy eatin togeder.... =D

[ yey! stR0ng fiZah caRRyin a HUGE greEn baLL of LEavEs..hahahak ]

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {10:35}
Friday, 21 December 2007
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:51}
Yeayyy~! i've enDed sch at 16h insTead of 18h todae' =) thAnkz to me f0rm teACher..wE've baReLy leArn AnyTHing toDae..
m0rnin' haD frEnch fer 2hrs - did Our hmk coRRection' by e tiMe our feRst leSS0n goNe, eVeryb0dy sEems t0 b agitaTed feR e neXt 1hr of frEnch lessOn n eVen e teAcher reALise it >.< ..wE diD our coRRecti0n VERY FAST n e laST 20 mins, mY teACHer reaD a book fer us..i feLT likE im baCk to kinderGArTen again..hahak.. it's fUn t0 LisTen t0 ur TEacheR reAdin a b00K fer u xD
deN..i had 1hr of Free PeRiod..wEnt t0 e PermaNanCE r00M..LisTen to s0ngs whiLe PaU, NePhew, JusTain n dEdE pLayed cards =) n neXt, comEs hisT0Ry LesS0n.. tiS time,wE had gaMeS..croSSw0rd puZzLe boUt hiST0ry leSSons of coz..hahak ' it waS fun..crAcked our braiN..n whiLe we're soLvin e puzZLe, our teAcher gaVe us sweets~! preSents from him to us..heehee
deN,haD LunCh n stARTed leSS0n at 13Hr at e LibRary..den..haD sCieNcE n eConomiC soCiaL fer 2 hRs..e feRst Hr,conTinued our LeSSon, & e 2nd Hr, we waTChed a caSSette whiCh invoLves MicheaL M00Re..bouT socieTy thinGy aLS0..itS in eng, so- i enJoyed watCHin e cassEttE xD ..wHen e beLL rang at 16hr, EVERYBODY raN out 0f e cLAss n sh0uTed "HaPPy hoLiday! n meRRy x-masssss~! " hahak..fuNNie sak..
inSTead of g0in back hm straigHt away, i staYed back wiF jusTAine n paUu..we t00k pix n lauFFed our heaRts out >.< coLLege [sch fer 11 t0 15 yeaRs old kiDs]
(Fumer Tue = Smokin kiLLs )juS imaGine tt..g0sh~ tsk* he pr0miseD t0 caLL me wednesDay..tuRNS out tt he didn't call me..damn him- HAH!
mum t0ld me to caLL him..i msged him iNStead..n he said tt he faiLed his test..aww'p00r thing..i caLLed him n we chat n lauff' n we're g0in meet to celebrate christmas s00n! since he's g0in to b here n all...cooL lar! AND i asked him y didn't he call me he said,"im not gonna tell e whole werld tt i didn't make it~! " hahak..lik duh~~ of coz! xD
anYwae- HaPpY h0Liday - MeRRy chRistmas n haPpy neW yeAr to aLLLLL~!
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:46}
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
haD LunCh at McDonaLd wiF me fWenDs yeSterDay n00n fr0m 12pm tiLL 3pm..
i haD frEE tiMe tiLL,we deCided t0 g0 t0 McDo fer LunCh..
[hahak!exCuse feR my LittLe finger Tat bLockEd e pix ya~!xD ] Pau
, JusTaiNe
n DeDe (AudRey)
haD b0uGht diEr lunCh at 'DipLomaTe' a mini reStauRanT - deY haD "AmeriCan saNdWICh" whiCh is muCh m0RE cHeapEr deN MacDo stUffZ..afTer we B0uGht e saNDwichEs,it t00k us 20miNs t0 reaCH at MacDo xD onCe arriVed, niCo n me bouGht ouR fooDs n we b0ut 14h, DeDe bf caMe n feTched,LeFt 5 of us..Nico
,VaVa,pAu,JusTainE n me
..afTeR we haD our luNch n dESSert, VaVa trAnsf0rmed into a f0rtUne teLLer
..hahak..he WraPPed hiS heAd wif my scArf n eAch n eVeryoNe of us asKed him queStion..turn by turn of coz >.< ..n e wAe he toLd us sEEms t0 be true..fuNNie..but true..whEn it's my turn, i asKed him,"How'S my L0ve LiFe g0iN t0 be?? " ..he rePLied,"Can u aSk me PRECISELY???"..i anSwered ,"No." ..hahaha! den,he said..."okae- nvm den..i think i Noe waT u meAn..." he shUFFLed e cards n roWed dem onda taBLe..i L00ked at e carDs caREFuLLy..
den he said.."ur anSwer is P0siTive (due to e 5 red cards)..meAns tt ur L0ve LiFe wiLL be gut..saMe goes feR ur finANciaL n stuDies..." ...Whew~reLieved to heAr tt..DEN...he saId,"uR r0Me0 is a DarK haiR guy.." den my pEeps asKed me, "iS DAmiEn's haiR darK in coLour??" ..i rePlied back.."HAHAK! GUT qns..i DUNNO..coz...he's BaLd!!! " n we lauFF lik,tt is e QuEstion..iS DamiiEn my r0meO??HAHAHk..crap'o ..anywae - my 'f0rtuNe teLLer' wh0 is GraNd Valou-Valou toLd me bouT my L0Ve LiFe..
[afTer he haD enuFF of waRMTh on hiS heaD-he diSturBeD me by wRappin my OWN scArf on MY HEAD =.=' ] n afTer MacDo,we waLked bacK t0 scH at bout 14h35 coz PaU n JusTaine goiN to have leSSons at 15h10..

(Pau n heR heLmets- btw, shE riDe biKes~! =D ) whiLe waiTin feR e tiMe to paSS, deY pLayed USUAL..n tts e eNd of our feRst time haVin LunCh togeDer as a buNch grP =)enJoyEd aLwayS..hehe
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:53}
Sunday, 16 December 2007
siNce dAd didn't go for weRk tiS weeK-eNd...he PLannEd s0meThing fer us..whIch iS Sh0pping at DancaRia [in sPanish: DanTxaRinea]~!! wohooo' hahak..evenTOt we've beeN dere b4 (ermm...2 yeArs ag0), n0w, nEw buiLdings hv beEn buiLT n nEw TaBac sh0p..chEAp ciGarettes of coZ ..>.<
dePartuRe tiMe : 11:30am...took uS a feW miN to deFroze ouR car >.<

as usuAL,ANYTHING leFt outsiDe of e hse fer a nite,u wiL found it froZen e neXT morNin..xD wEnt to McDonaLd n bouGht fiShes ..hahak..n ate inDa car whiLe daD droVe us 2 DaNCaria...
2 hrS latEr, we've arriVed..e pLaCe waS PACKED wif peEPs..'chriStmaS pr0moTin' of coZ lar...lik Duh~ =.=' n wE stRaighT awaY ruN to e sh0ppinG maLL~..erMM..walk lar..we're noT so ManiC kaY xD ..anywae, sh0es fer saLe..leaTher baGs fer saLe...u can go CRAZYY~!! hahak..afTer jumpin herE n dere...i've onLy bought a trAck suIte fer 27euRos[54 bucKs] -swEather n traCk panTs and-and-and...GiVEncy VerY Irresistible PerfuMe~!!!MY PERFUME...MUAHAHA..i juS LOOVVEE tat perFume..acTuaLLy,it coSt boUt 66.42 euRos[$132.84]..wiF 10 % OFF..inda enD it C0sT only 59.78 euRos [$119.56] xD its a chRistmas package :PerfUme n e L0tioN t0geDer..woRth buYin~! =) as fer sis, shE bougHt heR neW faV perFume..FL0weR by KenZo 45.26 euRos [$90.52] inStead of 50.29 EuroS [$100.58]

..btW, minE caMe aLong wiF a cuTe puRPLe beg yaNnooo.. hehe
afTer d0ne wiF e sh0PPing, we haD diNNer at tiS minI baR cuM rasTaurant..

..e baR guY saW me snAppiN pix whEn he quiCKLy t00K a maTe of hiM a 'pOsED' at e bar ..=.=' thiCk skiNNed guy..hahak! buT dey're cuTe n frieNDly lar..n fuNNy also~!

enJoyed meSeLf haviN dinnEr n we weNt to e lasT sh0p..liKe coLd stoRAge =) n saW rowS of porC leGs hanGin..

okay..i zOom neArer ar..

..e loNger e meaT haNGin..e niCer e meAt are..liK my siS saiD ..SpaniSh peoPle a REAL MEATarien..hahak..ttS y wh0EVa eaT diS meAt, dey smELL..VerY..ermm..unPLeasant' >.<..wouLdn't waNNa go neAr dem ..hahax..tiS is diEr liFestyLe..e waY dey eaT is VERY diFFereNt fr0m us..enD of sh0ppiNg,daD boUGht carTOnzzz of ciGarettEs (coz its VERY cheAp 3.25 euRos [$6.50] per box..normaLLy its 5 euRos[$10] at frAnce) ab0ut 20.15hr , wE weNt baCk home =)
daD waS sLeepy haLF way tHru so,mUm took oVer n droVe us baCK home....
h0Me swEet h0me~!

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {11:05}
Friday, 14 December 2007
aLso...tmr morNin,e temP's goin to be (miNus)-1 degRess n 7 deGrEss at n00n...last-last weEk end waS miD auTumn..n now,its alD end of auTumn...bef0re,orANge coLoured leAVes droPpin,aLL e treSS r 'boTak' aLready..hahak!
afTer muM senT sis to sch tis mornin,shE tooK pix of ouR sceNery beHind our hse..

..whiTe grASs EVERYWHERE!! on dem >.< ..hahak..due to e VERY COLD nite..deW froZe whEn e suN rise xD

our garDen seeMs to tuRn intO whiTe LanD..hehe

..n toDay,it waS foggin at sch..snaPped a feW pix aftEr lunCh time..jourNey towaRds sch..

oh weLL...daD had something pLannEd fer us tiS weeK-eNd..yuMmie-yuMmie..goNNa enJoy meSElf~!! hehe
tiLL neXt time..takE caRe pEePs'~!
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:39}
tiMe DOES FLY...its alD fridae..ah weEk is e LAST weeK of sch~!!
neXt fridAe,i wiL b baCk home at 16:30 intead of 18:45 '!woHooo~!!n chriSTmas hoLidae beginnsss..muahAHa..
nOw,we're e FrencH verSion of 'FriendS' hahk! heRe's e peePs taT moSTLy coRrespond to eaCh of us'one prob :deres MORE gals den Friends,deres 3 girls n 3 boys..but fer us,deres 4 girls n 2,one of e giRLs tooK e boY persoNAlity n its JUstine~!hahax..Joey:Justine; Ross:Valentin ; Chandler:Nicolas ; Rachel: Me; Pheobe:Audrey & Monica: Pauline...eveN tot e gals r not correspond to dier colour of hair,we acTUally seLect dem into dier persONALity =) n so,we r e freNCH versiOn of Friends~! xD
oh yA,lasT weDnesdAy, my mUm,siS n i paMpered ourseLves..we had FAciaL CAre/waSh~ it was soooo reLAxin n coooL..enD of e treAtment,our faCe becaMe whIte n smooth mannn..n mum said' we wiL do it AT LEAST onCe per mth kay??' hahahx..

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:53}