Thursday, 31 January 2008

gaeLLe l0sT a t00th ald!
today...e M0ST heaDache daY of me LiFe ( sinCe sch stARted )..hahak..ermm..noT reaLLy la..but STIL, braiN cracKin day >.< ..wE had BAC bLanc..somE kind liKe..preLimS..4hrs of freNch papeRS..from 8am tiLL 12pm..sAT on my cHAir - wiF me naMe stiCKed on e tabLe n STARE at e paPer fer a feW minuteS..e guY besiDe me ONLY started to wRite aftER 2H30mins bouT e TimE he stARTed to wriTe..evERYbody wr0te ab0uT 4 paGEs aLd >.< .. e moRe i looK at hiM, e moRe reLax i g0t n iT was cooL lar' hahahak! no SENsation of paNic-afTer i finiSHed my papER, i quicKLY ruSh ouT n breAThed the freSh air - n daSHed to e toiLet (of coZ,afTer 4 hrS no breAk,neeD t0 leT go aLL me stRess IndA toiLet' HAH! ) xD..haD LunCh n reVised me SciEnce & eConoMic suBject' 14hr,weNt bacK t0 scH n e paPer stARt..tiS time-feR 2 hrs' lucKy thIng >.< 16h,FINISHEDDD!!a TOTAL reLief~ dUdU n vaVa waiTed fer me at e Bus st0p n we haNG aroUnd tiLL 17h..weNt inT0 e foreSt n t00k viDeos n so caLLed 'AdverTisemeNt' fer a "stiNkwood" - a cheWing guM tt stiNks..we lauffEd ouR arSe out..iT soo fuNNie..n fuRTher m0re,we weRe,goTTa moVe abit t0 waRM up..tts fer Fer me leFt leG,i stRetcHed my leG muscLe duE to e acTivities tt i had' haha!here's e thinG..laSt FridaY niTe,haD stEAMBoat at natHALie's hse..sis-mum n me opeNed our chrisTmas preSENT n so doeS Luc n gaeLLe..iT has beeN 1 mth n haLf sinCe we lasT met.afTa eaTin-deY pLayed monKey baLL n baLLon~at midnite-we weNt back hm..e neXt day(satUrday)i weNt t0 boRDEaux wiF niCOLas fer sh0ppin..9am,t00k e traIn (b4 e cut)..i wAs laTe,so, i raN t0 caTch up..n we waLKed n seaRChed feR styLish CLothes tiLL 13hr..bouGht a saNDwich n weNt to hiS SisTer's bf hse to haVE his haiR cut..e gUys namE was Maddie' he'S a m0r0caIn (i thinK) n he's a musuLman..e traJet to his hsE was a 30-40miNs sLow waLk..n LOTS of staIrs (hundreds of deM) AND not to ferget..he liVed at e 4th e tiMe we reACHed at his hse-wE haD sw0LLen feeTs..LOL..sAt ouTsiDe of hiS hse n he cut nicoLas's tooK him kinDa long..bout 2h30mins..(after e cut)n he hv a neiGHBour wif e same naMe-Maddie aLso >.<..
ermm-t0 be c0ntinUEd..

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:33}

Friday, 25 January 2008

*sinGin* sHe's a maNiac..LaLaLaaaa..ListeNin t0 Tat sonG nw..jUs waNNa makE me grooovveee(evEn tot iTs an oLd music-HAHA)

yeSt - sCh had striKe...ermm..the sch kinDa late...usuALLy stARt at 9am..but tiS time i stARt at 1pm =)...meT duDu at 10am..mUm seNt me to hiS hse n we waLKed to toWn (arCAChon) ..n chaTTed n lauFFed n i bouGht a TOmaTo sanDwiTch..waLKed to paRK maUresQUe..we gt notHing to do so,we CLimbed e roCKy waLL..hahak-i Lauffed n LAuffed tiLL i got meSELf jam haLF way' he puLLed me up . we saT fer a whiLe n weNt to MaisoN deS JeunEs wheRe i usuALLy eat..n at 13h,i weNt fer mY gerMan cLass..n enGLish camE aLong N thEN 16h,LessOn ends =)meT up wiF cooKie n we waLKed n waLked n waLked at e paRK AGAIn..tiS tiMe cooKie triEd to cLimb e waLL..but couLDn't >.<..hahak-pooR guy ..DudU onda waLL...aCtin as iF he's e g0D' e ALL miGhty- HAHAK! u can see...eVentot cooKie seEms to ArriVe to e top..YET' he cant' hahak..i juS saT doWn n tooK pix..waT an iNNoceNt gaL i am..MUAHAHA
oh weLL..gtg go now!!gettin reADy to go to schhhh' tiLL neXt time- tOODLes to aLL pwEEty n hANds0me peePs!

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {11:17}

Saturday, 19 January 2008

yeeaaayyy!! eNd of e wEEk aLreAAdyyy...tiMe fLies like ALWAYS

moNday, enD é LessOn at 17h..duE to a MatH teSt tt i hv to d0 afTer lesSon..iT was ok laR..liK aLways' hhehe.. DEN..
tuESDAy, weNt t0 b0rDEAux wiF é guYs.. [e feRSt maLL tt we WEnt- VERY CheaP eLectronicaL things..vavA bouGhT A laPT0p xD ]wE weNt to JapAneSe sh0ps n haD fuN lauFFin 0ur aSs off...n00n,at at SubwAy..deN,whiLE we weRe seaCHin for an insTRUmen shop, we cLashed up0n a JapaNEse resTAURAnt..vaVa seDUcin' wh0evA waLks pasT xDwe boughT a caN of peaCh juiCe n it was SOOOOO YUmmie!!..AND itS exPENsive aLso..can'T denY tt..a can 0f driNk tt c0St us 3.50EUros = 7 buCks & it caME from jAPan itSELf,we shAred ouR $$ to buY tt MI'ni caN of peACh tuRns ouT e driNk waS VERY VERY sm00th n wEd raNk it to e VERY LAst dr0p..hehe..dUdu eveN madE an adverTisseMen of e caN- not fergeTTin vaVa aLso..whEn we weRe waLKin at e s0me caLLed "orCHArd r0ad"-cOz e r0aD waS fuLL of sh0ppin maLLs..we meT kinDA L0ts of AsiaN peePs..espeCIaLLy chiNese liKE peoPle..theY r EVERYwhere..duDU n vaVA maDe a bet-duDu:i beT we wiL meeT bout 5 of deM..vaVa: no,me, ratHer 6 or 7..eNd of e daY, vaVA woN!hahak-we meT 7 chiNese like peEPs..XD it waS fun huntiN fer aSian ppL' deRE waS n0t muCh of peoPLe tt day..n TATS e beST parT' onLy US!hehe..n we reACHed hm at bout 19H'

weDnesdaY : boriNg day-eVa'hahak!..reAChed hm at 13h45 ..n waTched a chaRLie chaPLin movie "e diCtateur" ..not bad- kinDA CONfusin n inda enD, e tV waTCHed me instEAD of me waTCHin e tv hahak!

ThursDAy: woRE CLassY cLothings wiF anGELike..but THEN,it raiNed heaviLy..oh weLL..nvm~'eveRYbody waS shocKed t0 sEE me weaRIN CHic cLothing' hahak..n i cauGht seVEraL pairs of eYES of coz!!hehe..

n t0daY' friDAY..(evenT0t itS aLd sat) staRted e daY wiF twO hrs Of freNCh'' a TOTAL disASter..VERY boriNG..underSTanD parTs of deM..EspeciaLLywhEn ur siTTin neXt to DUdu'..beSt is duN ask anyThing xD..he juS dun weRk-n onLy lisTen'hahak waT to tt la' =)n deN..i catCh up me gerMan teSt tt i miSSed on tuEsday..i wAs leFT aLone inda room..scaRY tot.. afta-cLass n 16h to 17h,we haD a frEE period..nthg to do,cookiE caMe to speNd his tiMe wif us..we haD a waLk to paRK mauResquE insTead(15miNS waLK fr0m sch) n tot oF buyin thiNGs,but tuRneD out tt duDu forgoTTEn his $$ =.=' haiYoo...we got stuCk at e parK instead..e guYS pLayed catcHing n blablabla' i juS stanD n waTch dem pLayin..not long laTa, vava came!hahak..n heRe comes e CiAOOsss' LOL..he juS pLay aLong wif dem =.=' n deRe u hv 3 monKies' xD funnie' but craZy as usuAL la~15miNs b4 e beLL rang,we ruSHed to sch n weNt fer our lasT lessOn whiCH Is e hisTory lessOn!n back home at 19h =) n cuRRy-puFF heaRt t0 aLLLLL~~~

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {00:06}

Sunday, 13 January 2008

fErst of aLL: haPPy b'Lated b'daY to guiLLAume!!

thE adVENture staRTed wiF my LoveLy gaLs..M.aLexia n AngeLiQue'' we Went t0 bORdeaux bY traIn..t00k e trAin at abOut 13h28 n mEt m.ALeXia at e ReAR of da TRain' neXt st0p,heRe coMes anGeLique..we LaufFed n joKed arouNd inda douBt abOut maKin noise- we're creAte noiSe poLLution wiF our LAUff..hahak! and wHEn we've arriVed at boRdeaux 50 miNs latA,we straIght awAy ruSh to e miNi traM n heAd towaRds e shoPPin maLLL~!! we t00k pix INda traM aLso..wouLdn't waNNa miSS tt''hehe (evEn t0t deRe LOADS of peOPLe..but we DUn care!! xD ) deN, wHen we'Ve arrived, we weNt inTo 'PimkIe' a shoPPing maLL..we choosed n chaNGed int0 diFFerent styLes..1nhaLF houRs laTA, we'Re ouT of da maLL..phEw~e pLace waS FULL- n i mean FULL of peoPLe due to e soLD..leSS 30%; 50% or EVEN 70%~! u can go CRAZZYYYY''LOL..den we waLKed towards a sh0p whEre Dey seLL gotHic thinGs..n its SOOOOO EXpensive!i REALLY goTTA attACk onE of the booTs!!its SOOOO G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S ..buT beFore attaCKin it,i neEd to sAVe $$ hehe xP and wE huNt for e iTems tt we want' i huNt for e weAR foR tt niTe..e theMe was : CLassY wear..wiF whiTe bLouse n a miNi veSt wiF l00Se PANtS & hiGh heeLs..hehe..feR ONCe I WEar theSe typE of cLothing..n i spEnt bout' 70euRos = 140buCks for a WHoLe SuiT~!(conSIdered chEAp okay- oh ya,not forGettin a bLack BLazEr aLso and and and eaRrings~!)..we've beeN searChin feR guiLLaumes b'dae preSEnt but tuRned out tt we're out of tiME..too bad' i haD a GREAT preSent in mY mind'=.= den,ruShed to e traiN at 17H+ n reaChed home at 18h+' mum n dad feTCHed me and i ruShed meseLF to get readyyy~!!

I was VEry laTE fer guiLLaume's b'dae party' HAH!but nvm la' saW duDu n meT a neW fweNd Béné-a gaL'(sh0Rt f0rm fer BéNédic - i thiNk tiS is hw dEy wrote it xD )..we DanCed n pLayed a gaMe- drinK n striP..i joiNed but we draNk punCh n i onLy took off my shoEs n i stopped pLayin-not goin furTher den tt ' hahak!n at b0ut midNite,daD n muM fetChed me back homee' i enJoyed meseLf!!

n iTs not my haT' iTs guiLLaume's =)

oh ya-i SO WANNA TAT booT' hehe..shLD go shoppin agaiN gaLS!ASAP kay' xD
ps:e guYs r cuuutteee!!h0w i wiSh i geT t0 noe ThEm'xP

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {11:51}

Friday, 11 January 2008
1 weEk haVe gone bef0re me eYes...
it pasSed sooooo faSt tt we didN't evEn hv anY time to breaTh...
anyWay, i'Ve aLreaDY caLculateD h0w maNy weEks leFT tiLL our neXt hoLidae..hahak! 6 m0re WeeKs t0 goooo'~! jiA youuu so- wat caN i sae bout me weEk....let see~
monDay : starTed e weEk wif 15miNs of ruNNing..wiF e coLD wind bLowin ouR faces..myyyy...i haTe it..buT i feLT gut afTer running' heh..den,foLLowed by 1hr of frEE period n usuAL,e teACHer didN't st0p blabberin =.=' end aT 16Hrs..for ONce- but nxt weeK,its 17hr..*sniF-Snif* due to some teSt thingy
TuesDay : starT at 9am...woRe my grEen conTacT lenSes n Mad0 had a GREAT shock..she didn't daRe to lOOk straight inTO me eyEs..hahak!she saId tt i L00ked scaRy wiF gWeeN conTact lenSes (thAnk u maDO,itS very kinD of u ^^ )..t0day- is e LanguaGE daY coz i had gerMan,enGLish n freNch inda mornin' so....yeah
WedneSdAY: 2hRs oF ec0nomiCAL SCIeNce stArtin from 8am tiLL 10am..deN' bio LeSSon..and den-2 hrs or Math =.=' ZzZzZ..hahak finished at 13h whEn DuDu n guiLLaume caMe aLong..den,wiLLiam (fer guiLLaume -eng naMe-HAH!fuNNie') & me waLKed to McDonald..he neeD heLp fer hiS engLish hmk-so, i heLped him ^^ ..we chAt n LauffEd tiLL i haC stomacH Ache xD we joKed arnd n had fun'..tiLL 16h30 whEn eveRYthings done' we waLked towaRds caRRefour wheN his dad fetChed him'[enJoyed meseLF tt day~gLad to spenD tt afterN00n wif ya man! ] & i conTinued to wait fer daD..whiLe i waiT fer dad,i bought engLish mag & waLked aLLLL ova e was tirin but i aiMed for e thingS tt i wAnt (theRE'S soLd -so, e thinGs r cheAp- VERY CHeap indeAD >.< ) den,whEn dad arrived, we bougHt cLocks n searchiN fer other thinGs..inda enD,i reachEd hm at 20 h
ThurSDAy: luCky thing tt i enTEred sch at 9am' woKe up abit laTe den usuAL..had 1hr of hisTOry and e reSt from 10h tiLL 13h i waS,i did me hmk n haD lunCh..afTer lunCh,had gerMan- did me verBs teSt' oka 16hr,i'Ve finiSHed sch'but insTead,i staYed back wif VAva,Dudu n GuiLLaume..we WEnT t0 monoPrix LikE a sh0pping maLL n bought ice-tea n swEETS' weNt baCK t0 sch at 16h45..sat indA car n we taLKed crap n draNk n ate sweeTs..15 mins lata' e winDows stARTed to bec0me 'cL0wdy' ..hahak' n dey jeRk e caR as if tt we're doin smthg eLse..makin peEPs whosE watChin us thinkin tt we're up to smTgh no gut'HAHA!but iwas fun lar' lauFFed tiLL our eYes becaMe watery'- n at 17h05,guiLLaume n me rushed fer e buS excepT for Dudu hu waLKed back hm n VAva hu drove back hm' =)
and today; FriDay:i waS tirEd fer e WHOLE DAY' nvm beeN lik dis b4
boNNe weeKend t0 aLL~!
i feeL lik sayin' haPPy hoLiday!but actuALLy,its haPPy weekeNd to aLL'~!

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:19}

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Rai n B feVerr' soNg bout tis couPLe..l0vin eaCh otha but deRes aLways Obstacles betWeen dem..SobRi meAn - our desTiny..frEnch n mor0Ccan laNGuage enseMBLe..LesLie is an algeriENne & fraNcAise..amiNe morrocan guy..eveN tot its an oLd song..i STIL l0Ve it! heehee..

i think Azri aLonso wiL adore tis song' fan of LesLie u!! muaHhaA xP

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {10:30}

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

t0 me DEAR c0uziN : A-m-A-L-i-n-A ' geNdud' HAHA

i wiSh tt i caN sh0w M0RE pix (tt u wAnt) but fer now..its imp..we didn't meeT..derES C0nfusion betWeen us..mayBe im askiN t00 many qns..but hu CARES..n yeA, i neeD tiMe >.<..anyWae..tiMe has paSSed n we're aLreaDy 2008!!

HappY new YeAr t0 ALL!! wiShin u guYs a Prosperous n aLL e beSt fer tis neW year' (eveN t0t itS kinDa late..but nvm..Like dey aLways said' beTTa laTe deN neva~!' xD )

afTer e waLk on thuRsday mornin, aLL we did wAs, R0T at H0me~..cooL huh'~ hehe..

tiLL suNdaY niTe came...i weNt fer a paRty at EdouaRd's(DuDu) hse..haha..itS an eArLy New Year was FUn..a T0TAL FUN..he chaNged hiS hse inTo a MusiC hse..wif coLourfuL liGHts fLashin heRe n dere..hehe e paRty staRTed at 19h30..i arriVed at his pLace at 17h20..n haLF of e peEps arriveD aLd..tuRned out tt im e ONLY gaL in his cLass n e other peEps waS his ex'cLassmates =.=' LucKy thiNg GVV [GraNd Valou-Valou = VaLenTIn] caMe tt nite..he brought hiS beSt mate aLong..ermm..f0rgotten his naMe ar..hahak..whEn e muSic stARts to pLay, everyB0dy danced..heRe, dere's a neW dance whiCh we caLLed 'Teck-Tonik' weRe boyS can dance swingin dier hands only..but not muCh of dier ferSt it was VERY monKeys swingin dier hands dancin- not movin dier legs ( offence kay)..but whEn dey daNce in a grp,it turns out to b kinda nice~ xD anywae, e DJ-a beSt matE of EdouaRD, danCed wif me tt nite..we danCed sLow n hiphop musiC togeda (n it waS dudu's iDea- he toLd me to danCe wif e DJ~!) ..e DJ's naMe was : GuiLLaume ..he'S a charmin guy hu danCes very weLL..n sweet lar~! *sinGin*i feLL in <3> HAH'! [thAnkz fer e daNce DJ'!hehe kiSS] 22h..we aTe piZZas n i weNt baCk home coz e soNg turnEd out to be more to Teck-Tonik (whiCh i duNnO hw to dance n whiCh i dun preFer) ratHer den zouk or raggae or hiphop or others lar..too bad!if not,i w0uLd hv daNCed tiLL dawn'[thAnkz feR e paRty duDu'!kiSS] hee ..VaLenTin droVe me baCK homeeee...n arrived hm at bout 23h' [thAnkz agaiN VaVa!kiSS ]

neW yeAr's eve, weNt t0 b0rdeAux n b0ught 0ur st0cKs..atE in an0ther different resTaurant n baCK h0me..its a T0TAL diFFerent enviR0nment ova here..if we weRe to be at s'pore..i wLd be out wif me bEst peEps..but here, NOTHING to do except watchin e T.V..TOTALLY boring..n eVen tot deRe e T.V, yet, its not as ExcitiN like e one at s'pore..diFFerence between here n dere

s'pore - deY wiLL hv concerts or wateva..n e preSenter/ hoSt wiLL announce how many mins leFt before midnite but...

at FraNcE - deY didn't announce how many mins left BUT 6 seconds LefT before midnite..hahak!! a LAST minute thingy'

oh weLL..diFFerent pLace, different styLe..

n toDay, we reCeived sweeTs from e BasE (dad's werkin pLace)!hehe..cooL..canDy fer us - swEEt tooTh.. =D
feR me beLoveD cousin..kak' aiisHa - haPPy b'day!! we wisH u aLL e besT fer eVerything, lauFF aLwaYs n we LovE u!tiLL we meEt again...cia0'~! muaCKZZZZ~

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:10}

é LaDy
eLLo eVerybody(: m0i- fiZah xD im h0T n chiCk~!MUAHHA.. anyWae,im juS a HappY go LuckY gaL..liKe to makE fweNz.. ENjoY Life to e MAX c0z liFe is sh0rt~xD

Right Round - Flo-rida ft. Ke$ha
duDes & chiCKz♥

*LaY kiM(:
*xiAo rUi(:
*sze cHEa(:
*soo cHEng(:
*doLLy - AniSon(:

siLenCe breAker

designer GreenerGrass(:
picture deviantart(:
with help from : adobe photoshop

MemoRies ^^
