Friday, 29 February 2008

goSh-1 weEk hv g0nE s0000000 faSt [sA fe DEja unE semaiNe De vaC-sa paSSE TROP vitE']...juS liDDat..maN,i REALLY hv t0 do smtg neXt wEEk[c grAVe-il FO ke j'faSSe keLke ch0se..enc0Re 1 j'cr0is ke j'vai ENCORE resTe a la maisonn'!riien a fouTRE]...1 weeK leFt tiL sch re0pens..hv t0 pLan'..hmmmm...i guEss..i'm goNNa staY Hm AGAIN!!haha..i've rec0vereD from fLu,couGH(Bits of iT) n fever[j'viien d recuPerer-enRhumer et fiEvre tous...parti!w00hoo~maintenan,j'peU M'EcLater ^^]h00ray'~now cAn enJoy bacK..but STILL...hv to taKe carE Of me Sick mum hu's RecoVerin sLowLy frOm e fLu n aLL xD
heRes waT i've d0nE tis weEk...ermm..weEk-enD,weNt to borDeauX..bouGht 0ur st0Ck (evEn t0t im siCk) n tuEsday-maDe cuRRy puFF for e orDers tt daD's friEnd maDE[c0mme d'haB-leS weeKend,j'eTe a borDo-moi et papa..on a achEteR d nouRRitures..puiS,lunDi-j'ai riien faiT..hahak-coMMe j'ete ENCORE maRdi-j'ai faIt 80 beigNet maLais..un ami a paPa a commonDer..j'ai dormi tardd-et jc'etait treeesss fatiGuant xD] was SSOOOOO tirinG..sLept laTe too...beCause of THAT currYpuFF thinGy -tsk! n weDnesday(feeLin betta),i weNt to myLene's hse..meT cHarL0tte aLso..we laUFFed-waTched goRe vide0s n danCed..leaRned to do beLLy dancin!hahak'it waS fuNNy-n fuN At e saMe time[et merCredi-j'ete cheZ myLene..on a riGoLer,on a reGardeR d viDe0s-goRe-HAH!ke charLLotte n'a meMe pa reGarder(caR eLLe preFer paS) et on a danserrr-0rienTALe et j'ai LissEr leS cheveUx d lui va TROOPP biien aveC des cheveUx liSSSeeee-hehe..fin d j0urnee,papa d myLene ma ramenEr a la maison-j'ai paSSer une suPER aprem aVEc les fiLLe~merciii!!gr0s biZ a v0us deUx et j'vouS ad0reeee!! ^^]..aftEr dancin, i straiGhteNed myLene's was niccceeeee ^^ stRAight hair g0es weLL wif her (: n her dad seNT me bacK hoommeee' it wAs a niCE gaLs meetin~ hehe n till feeLin much MORE beTTer..all we did was,waTCHing moviEs n rot at hm..sinCe e weaTHer was kinDa baD,we decideDA T0 STay ind00r..& dad pLanneD to go to SpaiN tmr..sh0ppin fer US!!wohoooo' (happy-happy) okAy foLks-tiLL neXT time..bubbyyyeee!!muaCks'

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:23}

Sunday, 24 February 2008

hhhmmmm.....yummie-yummie iCe cReamm...
siCK, YEt craviNg fer iCe creammmm...
evenT0t iTs winTer here...hahak- noboDY can st0p me fr0m eating ice creAmmmm...!
[meMe si oN esT en hivEr,peRsonnE peUt m'emPechEr d manGer D gLaceeeee...!]
yuMMie-yummIe Häagen-DaZs MaCadamiA nuT BriTTLeeeee iCe creammmmm' muahahaha~ xD
anYb0dY waNNa shArE wiF me? hehe =P
[qui veU le pARTager avEc mwwaaaa? =P ]

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {11:37}

Thursday, 21 February 2008

sinCe im at hm nw...duE t0 somE SickNess...[coMMe j'sui a la mais0n-car j'sui maLade..iL vo mieU ke j'commEnce a miSe a jour mon bLog ^^]i gueSS i migHT as weLL updAte me BLog whiLe i can^^ saT,16 fev,nooN- went t0 borDeaux wiF dad' to buY ouR fooD stoCks..[saMedi derniEr, le 16 fev,l'aprem,j'ete a bordo aveC papa-maman,maLade donc,eL peu pa veNir=.=']n evening, i weNt to MyLene's b'daE paRTy..we ceLEbrated heR 18th b'dae!![et le soir, j'ete chEz mYLene pouR sa fete -18 ans~! ]lik aLways..n mum waS sick,she cannOt foLLow aL0ng..reaCHed hm,i quicKLy get reAdy..i waS supposED t0 arriVE at 19h15 BUT,i wAs usuAL' hahak! ferSt arrived,i reaLised tt i woRe e saME top as myLene~![quAnd j'sui arriver cheZ eL,J'me sui renDu compTe k'on a la meMe haut xD trop marran- myLene a tou d suite chanGer] xD it waS fuNNie' she chANGed her toP straiGht awaY' n i fouNd out tt e parTY was 'coLd'..everYBody saT at diier own corNer..deY neeDed tiMe to waRM up n aLL..hahak'[au deBut,tou le monDe ete "froiD" contrE l'un et l'autrE car on connaisai paS..iL ns fo du teMps poUr se rechauFFer=D..heuresmen ya charLotTe..eLLe et mwA,on a TROP biien rigoLer et danserrr' eLLe danse trop biien cette fiLLe~!!] luCKy thinG derEs charLotte..we danCed n t00K pix n lauFFed ouR ass ouT(we were goSSipin-ttS y)..and & n she dancED so weLL!!we did nthg excePt danCin in grps' like countRY S0ngs n othEr kiND of soNg tt REALLY makes U swEat' waS a simPle n fun parTY' we daNCed-n peoPLe looked at us insTEad of danCin aLong'..[la feTe ete sympA et fuN-a la fin,tou le moNde dance-c'ete biien ^^ ]at 1am,myLene's paRents n auNts camE back home'dey daNCed wiF us 3 am,deY st0ppeD e s0ng n myLene's dad senT me baCK home..i meT feW of heR fweNDs..deY r loveLy n friendLy n fuNNie lar'but..i duN reaLLy rmbr diEr names' hahak oh weLL..hoPe tt i caN meeT DEm again!![a 3hr du maT,papa d myLene ma rameNer cheZ mwa' j'ai renconTrer les amieS d myLene..iLs ete sympa,marraN et ad0rabLe et j'esPere ke j'peu leS revoiR enCore'~!]
meRci ma tite myLene-boNNe anniv(en reTard) et gro0000os bisouX a tous!!=D

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:04}

Saturday, 16 February 2008
jusTain n pauLine(in piNk)
aUdrEy- receiVed a cuTe heArt
EyEs beauTIfuL - beAUTifuL eyEs' mari0n's eyEs's eYe..neXt..RichArd's eYe, dudu'S eye!..choPstiCk sticKin ouT of me heAd' xD ANNDD...laSt but noT leAst....nepHew~! xD
n yeAh~
p0uR meS chEre lecTeur fraNcais..avAn,j'ai traduiseZ meS phrase maiS mainTenAn,j'ai la daiLLe d TOU tradUire xP ..j'sui dsL..peuT-etRe j'vai essaYer 1 ou 2 phrAse..poUr ke V0u sachE k'eS k'iS paSSe ds ma viE'..haha..yEa- meS poVre amiEs xD doreNavan, j'vai essaYer d'eCrire en fRancais =X et c suR k'aVec meS moTs d'angLais abRevee, c pa faciLe a comprenDRE =.=' bon- a t0uTe'! GroS bisOUxx '

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {00:10}

Friday, 15 February 2008

week-endddd' xD we'vE haD 2 teSt todAy-Ec0n0micAL scieNcE from 15H to 16H & f0LL0wed by hisTOry teSt from 16h to é tiMe i'Ve fiNished é é tiME é beLL rang (to bE mORe pREciSe) mY heAd beCAme bLAnK..a TOTAL BlaNk..duE t0 t00 muCh thinKin-i guEss'HAHA!
anYwae, tHesE feW weEks,tiMe fLew veRy fasT (liK aLwaYs) & TesTs keeP on comiN liKe CRAzy...eveRYbodY ruSHed foR thEir projEct t0 be d0ne n iTs n0t fuNNie..u caN g0 craZy' HAHA (n0W i n0e h0W juLie REALLY feLt )..i didn't hv tiMe t0 upDate me bLog xD soooo...
LAst thuRSday' deRes diS CommiSSariat guy fr0m arCAchon caMe t0 0ur scH t0 taLk boUt drUgs n aLcohoL n stuFFz taT kiDs 0va heRe c0nsuMe for fUN'thEn theSe kiDs wiLL b druG addiCt s00ner 0r laTer n blablabla-he taLKed fer 2 hRs =.=' i neaLRy feLL asLeep..furTHEr m0re i saT waaaayyyy at é back' hahak..laTe n00n- i meT cooKie (as usuaL) n dudu..We weNt inT0 e f0ResT sinCe it wAs BriGht N suNNyyy' siNce wE hv nthg t0 do,we t00k pix~! n i uSed dudu's chopStick to tiE me hair xD saT noon-haD a waLK t0 e laKe behiNd me hsE wif cooKie ^^
yeSt(vaLentiNe's daY),wE weNt to borDeaux-aQUitec f0r a scH orienTAtion thinGy' suRVey whiCh sch we'Re inteRESted t0 go n whAt we waNNa work as....jusTaiNe ChaTTin wiF paUUuu at ferSt,we weRe 6-tuRned ouT tt m.aLexia n AngeLique gaVe way-in e End,onLy 4 of us.CHarleNe,duDU,andrEW & me haD a waLK t0 aucHan coz AndreW wanTed t0 buY ciGarettE..we Had fuN lauFFin n behaviN liKe M0nkiEs xD whEn we we'RE 0n 0ur waY bacK t0 aquiTec,we st0ppEd at e lakE feR a 'mini' breAk..n whEn we weRE baCK on ouR trACks,duDu gavE me a BBIIGGG smACk on e BUTt' i screAmed n hoPPed (t0 hoLd baCk é paiN)'h0w daRe he' tsk! baCk 2 aquiTec,é guYs jus won't st0p buGGin me-i'm juS a liTTLe innoceNt gaL beinG buLLied by dem xP ..2 guYs agAinst 1 gaL-oF COZ é guYs wiL wiN' deY struGGLEd t0 geT my sh0e n é othER 6 gaLs(fwEn of miNe), deY juS look at me n leFT me struggLin ALONE ' boohoo* saD yanNO xD anyWae-in é enD,i thREAted thEm, i tooK diEr VALUabLe stuFFz instead' é guYs caMe baCk wif me sh0e n gaVe me baCk =D prouD of meseLF' xD weNt baCk t0 é buS at 15hr..i haD a WONDERFUL-FUN n paiN at e ARse daY~!! spEnt me VaLentine's daY wiF 2 craZY guys' [n0t eveRY vaLentine'S day we caN d0 dis- LOL! ] okay dennnn' tiLL neXt tiMe- ciiaaooo beauTIfuL peoPLE =D

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:32}

Friday, 8 February 2008

feRst of aLL... ' GonG xi Fa cai~! '
awww...hoW i wiSh i'm baCk hm now..den,caN ceLebrate wiF e CO studeNts..den-den. do craZy stuFFz' or eVEn..preFOrm wiF them'
wE woRE ouR MCO 's puRPLe coStuME 'wiF e draGon' n bLack 17h30, we'Ve reaChed at é CazaUx aiR baSe..luCKy thinG tt é weATHer waS niceeee' it was suNNy n cooLin(8) y a du soLeile et deS nanaaaa 'a fweNch song' HAH'!(8) onCe we'Ve reaCHed at é baSe, wE quiCKLy puT ouR jackeTs aSiDe n seaRChed for ouR taBLe..dreSsEd our tabLe wif our steAMBOat stuFFz n we'RE ReaDyy...juS waitin fEr e tiMe to fLy..whiLe waitin,siS n me tooK piX n waLked anrd saEin heLLo to peePs AND we took piCtures of coz!hehe' whiLe we weRe havin a stroLL at e 'miNi' staLLs (n i mean, REALLY MINI staLLs) theRe LOADS of kids runnin heRe n dere..are'nt deY cutE in tis trAD cosTume??nO den we'Ve reALised tt thE numBer of LittLe kiDs haVE incREAsed..moRE toDDLers deN youngSTERs..boohoo** saD yaNNo xD before thE diNNer staRt, we haD firecrAckERS ferST & thE LioN dANCe CAme aLong..afTa tt,we starED ouR diNNer..and lots of LUckY drAw 20hr..20hr30,we weNt bacK hm..i finiSHed me hmk.. n weNt t0 beD at 1am ~!

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:21}

Saturday, 2 February 2008

tiS sonG is so niCe' evEn tot i duN liKe RaP- buT i sEems 2 ENjOY dis muSic x]
coRRection of é titLe its acTuaLLy: Je RéaLise bY SiniK feAt jaMes bLunt..woHoo~

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {10:47}

as FEr t0daY(friDay nite) eveN tot iTs aLd sat..hahak' meT aLLan afTer he've beeN askin me go out n caTcH a moviE togeda since..ermm...laSt month'hahak..pooR guy- so,inDa enD we diD meT up n i haD LoTsa fuN wif him' Lik aLwAYS,i finiSed my lessOns at 18h n reaChed hm at 18h30..had A QUIcK BItE n mum seNt us :sis n mE at la TEstE e ciNema at 20hr..we waTched 'ASterix et le Jeu OlymPic' it wAs a fUnnie moVie- hahak..woRth watCHin it xD afTer e moVie,we waLKed to mcDonaLd n tooK pix~okay,tis one,he beNt in orDer to hv e saME heigHT lik i do ..neXt,is his NORMAL heiGht..whiCh is 2m-somEthing' HAHAK! lAst but not leAst..aLLan n FArah!!look at e DIFFERENCE~! he's FREAKIN TALL' LOL we lauFFed tiLL our stomaCH achEd~' n whEn we weNt bacK to hiS bike..we fouNd out tt...hiS biKe waS beeN rapEd by soMe hooLigans..hiS ligHts weRe gone~ xD pooR guy' luCky thinG tt iTs stiL workin...if not,he hv to waLk back home- HAH!

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {03:58}

so..whEre waS i..? oh ya'~didn't nePhew looK neATEr n niCer afTer he haD his haIr cut??hehe..n hiS sisTa's bf neighbouR-namEd maDDie aLso is a sWeet n fuNNie guy' hahak-craZy ar he haD his haiR cut-we RUshed bacK to e shoppin maLL bout we founD out tt we're shoRt of time-noT gonnA go baCk hm laTe coz goTTA get reAdy fer parTy tt nite' xD so,we strAight awaY go to e traiN staTion n go baCk home~ muM fetCHed me n nicoLas weNt fer apeRItif (drink n snaCKs) to hiS fweNs hse..occasion: aNNa's 18th b'daE ceLEBration (hiS theAtre fweNs) fer mE,onCe i'vE reaChed hm,i haD me diNNer..den goT mEsElf REAdy for tt nite..we weNt cLubbin at La TeSte in 'stuDio 80'~!!at 22h-nepHew caLLed me n toLd me whERe to meeT..wE wenT derE by buS..whEn i reaChed at e buS stop-soMe of hiS fweNs weRE aLd,inDa bus,dEy daNced-saNg N shouTed..creaTin noiSe wAs neRve a total headaChe buT i jus joiN in' HAHAk- even tot iM not drunk-i stiL joiN in..n 30minS lata, we arriVed at 'stuDi0 80'..deRe weRE bodYguarDs at e enTrance n a dog..scaRY looKin kinD of dog..yaNN cauGht druNk n he can'T enTer..hahak-pooR guy' hiS evenin stARTed wiF kiSSes n hugs inda buS n got hiMSELf kicKed ouT of e cLub-HAHAK!baCK to us:
so,we WEre e feRSt onE to waS midNite-e pLace waS FULL of peoPle..i meT me oLd mates..deY're stiLL e samE =) deN..i danCed wiF nepHew..hahak..n meT me cLassmates- deY ceLebratin maRine's 17th b'dae~noT lonG latA, a fweN of nepHew camE..a brun haiRed guY namEd JuLien..sinCe he waNted to daNCe wiF a gaL,i danCed wif him-hahak..he'S a gut daNcER AFTer aLL..i thaNked him feR e wonDerfuL daNCe n he said tt he enjoYed danCin wif me'n i'm onE of e raRE gaLs tt can gr00vveeee wiF him-woohoo~!r0Ck inTo e muSic wiF me bebeh~!khaakh..i danCed non stoP' n at 3am30, nepHew's daD fetChed us n by 4,i reAChed hm aLd..duE to aLL of diS activities, i stREtched me musCLES on spoRT on monDay- hahak'luCky thing tt now iTs geTTin beTTa =] ..anywAe,i waNNa go baCK to studio 80 AGAIN!!muahaha..n i've receivEd 2 frEE iNvItATion to e CLub-yeaaaa*peaCe* i SOOO wannA go baCk n it's SOOOO fun!LOL..oh ya-soRRy no pix ya' hehe

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {03:30}

é LaDy
eLLo eVerybody(: m0i- fiZah xD im h0T n chiCk~!MUAHHA.. anyWae,im juS a HappY go LuckY gaL..liKe to makE fweNz.. ENjoY Life to e MAX c0z liFe is sh0rt~xD

Right Round - Flo-rida ft. Ke$ha
duDes & chiCKz♥

*LaY kiM(:
*xiAo rUi(:
*sze cHEa(:
*soo cHEng(:
*doLLy - AniSon(:

siLenCe breAker

designer GreenerGrass(:
picture deviantart(:
with help from : adobe photoshop

MemoRies ^^
