haPPy birthday to youuuuu DUdU ^^ oh yar,saMe for ThomAS aLso..both 18 yeaRs oLd aLd xD
i guEss his b'daY is comin sooonnn^^ caN't waitt =P
anywae,i fiNished sch at 16hr t0day, n iTs raiNin caTs n doGs...baD weatHer fer 1 weeK ald..oh weLL..eventot spRIngs here..YET-bad weaTHER' juS our luck~~~
n sinCe niCOLas t00k e saME bus as i d0, we t00k piCturess!! =D
LOL!! sinCe e buS moVed n jiGGled a lot..ouR pix diDn't turN out TT weLL..but,we enJoyeD takiN piCturess!!
j'Me triPPe TROP avec twa nePhew''!! ^^
on feRA ENCore sa unE otrE foiS kay xD
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:11}
Thursday, 27 March 2008
c pa maRRan d toMber maLade chaKe 2 semaine.... rhooo~ j'renTre a 11hr ojourd'hUi..on a acHeté d meDicameN et chErCHé ma p'titE soeur pouR dejeUner..apRé mamaM,j'ai priS d meD et doDO'~!keLLe jourNée~! MUAHAHA xD
itS not fuNNy to faLL sick evRy 2 weEks... haiZ~ i wenT back h0me at 11am today..muM fetCHed me.. =D luCky me' then,we BouGhT mediCInz at a pharMacy n feTched LiL siS for lunCh..afTer i ate, tooK meD n sLeep~! waT a day~! MUAHAH xD
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {19:34}
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
oh-uhhh' looks liKe iTs beEn a whiLe sinCe i've updaTed me bLog...coz..iM buSy n lazy!!khakha'tooK picTurees..deN...cLass teSts keeP comin..so,no timE to bLog or chAt wif u guys =.= oh weLL..couNtdowN tiLL e neXt hoLiday whiCh is in 3 weeKS time! =] MUAHAHA
so far,so guT..tiMe fLies' like alwaYs n gettin haNg of scH..im cLingin onnnn...i gueSS i wiLL get tiRed soon..but not goNNa give up YET! xD
so....wat's g0in on herE...
laSt-laSt saturDay,i weNt t0 anGeliQUe's hse- fer her b'daY ceLebration..i arriveD at thE m0ment whEn dey are Havin dier deSSerts'
meT her fweNds..deY were cooL n veRy styLish ..couLdn't deNy tt 0ne 0f her friEnds l00ks VERY THE HANDSOME! khakha & he's e 0NLY guY..but T00 bad,he's attACHed =P (n0tty me) oh weLL..n afTa we ate desseRts- yuMMie dessERts, dey pLayed guiTar& by midniTe,me paRents n sis feTched me ^^
n then..tuEsday,e teaCHers had striKe..so i starTeD my afternoon leSSons at 16hrs..afTer lunch,i weNt to e beach wiF e guYs sinCe its a briGht sunny day' it waS a niCe day feR a waLk..haD a gut lauFF wif me cLassmaTes..
Remi: "hey,there's a group of guys dere..go asK for a baLL..."
Anthony: " ermm..go urseLf..oh-we havE pLastic..we jus....." (he tooK the sanDs n puT it inSide e pLastic bag n started to tie it up)
Anthony: "we caN pLay fooT baLL wif THIS! (H0Ldin e bag fuLL of sands)"
n eveRybody laUffed lik heLL' tskk~guys! craZy of fooT baLL xD afTer 3hrS under e suN,we Went bacK to cLass..me skin taNNed aLd..khakha
tt's aLL fer tiS weEk..juS tt e weaTher is verY verY bad..it raiNed non stOp..quiTe depreSSin acTuaLLy..n e thinG is,spRing's aLready here! fLowers bLoom-lovin coupLes eveyrWHere' MUAHAHA xD
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {17:01}
Friday, 14 March 2008
w0uhoouu'~! 1 wEek of scHing is ova' xD 5 m0rE t0 g0 tiLL scH hoLiday' MUAHAHA..caN't wait l00ks likE i didn'T bLog my lasT weEk of hoLidae..fr0m 3rd of marCh tiLL 9th of marCh ' m0ndaY & tueSDAy : r0t at hme,as usuaL n watCh moviesss ^^ wedNesdaY : laSt minuTe thiNgy - sinCe iT waS suNNy,i meT duDu at arCAChon tt noon' we waLKed n seaRcHED 4 anGeLike's b'daE preSEnt..BUT we f0und nthg interesSin=.= we haD a veRY gut waLk..he b0ugHt f0r me a yuMMie ch0c0Late cooKie =) n bY 5pm,i t00k e traiN t0 g0 baCK hm thuRsday : parTy at duDU's hse..feTched andRew n we weNt t0geder' tiS time, m.aLexia n my beL0ved frieNdS were dere..i didn't feEL akWard tt nite' LOL we danCed n soMe eveN pLayed guitAr..hd a gUt eveNin wiF e gaLz ^^ fridaY : pLanned t0 do hmk...but turNed ouT tt i waS buSy wiF mY inteResin movie stuFFz tiLL i didn'T see e tiMe pasT VERY FAst xD i knEw waT i haD for hmk..yet,didn't hv e mood to do =.= (c0me on ,1sT weeK of hoLiday i was sick..so,i didn't REALLY enJoy me hoLidayz -HAH!) laSt niTe of tt weeK(b4 sch start's)-sis n me waTched movie tiLL 5am inda morning!!e neXt day,we Had eYes tat NEARLY pop fr0m our heaD'~!z0mbIe sista's!haha saT & suN : sch gettin nearer = panic StriKe's = hmk time!
n now,1 weEk of sCh is ova...i feLt reLieve..whew~ did e importaNt thiNgs..haD praCtice of oraL baC (liKe preLim, oraL thinGy) n itS jus my luck tt i haD e MOST brain cracKin teXt..jus GREat' tsk~ i didn't hv muCh time to reaLLy finish my pLanning.. ova here, their orAL in not e saMe like s'pore.. s'pore : descriBe e foto n taLk crap but HERE FraNCe: u hv to coMMent's aboUt a TEXT- u need t0 seaRCH f0r OTHER words to descRibe other words..it's like- S00 DARN CRAP kay' tsk~ no wonDER frenCH stUDEnts haTe freNch leSSon's..oh weLL..siNce my teaCHer know's tt i hv soMe difficuLties, i gueSS he won't maRK me seVErely..n he's a VERY kind teACher- TTS e guT thing bout it' MUAHAHA..oh ya!! not to forGet, my freAKin HANDSome-Y0uNg bioLogy teacHer praiSED me for my improveMents in fr0nt of e cLass'~!MUAHAH- man,im ProuD of meseLf! tts aLL f0r tis weeK..haVe a guT week-eNd t0 aLL n miSS ya guys!!!muaCkx~ peaaccee y'aLL^^
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {19:49}
Sunday, 9 March 2008
i waNt suuunnnnn...e weAther is baD-baD-bAd n i neeD suNNy-HappY daY'z baCk badLYY!! xP (i h0pe iTs c0min S00N xD ) kay-duN miNd e viDe0- juS LisTen t0 e sonG ^^
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:12}
Sunday, 2 March 2008
f0r é feRst timE- sinCe we'Ve arriVed herE (siNCe aPriL 2007)..we manaGEd t0 arriVed aT daNchaRia(b0RdeR of fraNce-spaiN) at 9:30 am!![poUr la 1erE f0is,depuIs n0tRe arrivé en FraNce(eN avRiL),oN a réussi a aRriver a DancHaria a 9h30~!!]
i wAs é feRst oNe t0 geT reAdy at 5:50am (eVent0t i sLept at 2am-HAH!) n é otheRS w0kE up s00n afTer'[j'étaiS la 1erE a levEr a 5hr50-puiS les 0tRes se lEve apRes]
by 8am, we wEre aLd ouT 0f é hsE[a 8hr on esT deJa ds le v0iture-preT p0uR n0tRe depARt a DanCharia]..2hRs 0f j0urNey t0 0uR destinati0n..siTTin in é caR & ntGh t0 d0 is quiTe tiRin man' by é tiMe we'Ve reaCHed at daNchaRia n 0ut 0f é caR- we stRaigHt awAy aTTack é maLLs..deRe weRe veRy feW pe0pLe..[2hrS ds la v0ituRe et riien a faiire,c pa GéniaLe..et quaNd 0n esT arriveé,0n a t0u d suiTe aTTaqé leS magaSin xD]
at 14hrs, we haD ouR LunCh..iT wAs kinDa embarrassiN at é beGinnin coZ we seEms l0sT-in SEarcH 0f pLace t0 sit n luCky thinG é serVant caMe n serVe Us' phew~if n0t,waLkin bLindLy in é resTauRant is n0t a fuN thinG t0 d0 xD[a 14hr-on a pri n0tre deJeuner ds uNe resTo..C'étaI emBarassaN au débuT caR on na pa d pLace p0ur maNger..0n a maRcher ds le resT0-ds l'aiir kwA-aVec uNe tetE curiEUses xD et heuResmen ya unE mem'zeLLe ki esT veNu ns serVi xD] ..M0st CraZy m0meNts wAs= at é taBLe..we laUffed n t00k piCtuRes..n afTer eaTin,we c0ntinueD 0ur sh0pping~![0n a d m0meNts F0U a tabLe-on a pri d f0tos eT apRes manGeR,0n a c0ntinuer n0tre sh0pping!c'etait foU'-on preNdre ce k'on a vU et essaYer]HaaHaha..ruShed heRe n deRe t0 graB whAt we waNt n daD b0ught hiS cigarEtteS sinCe itS cheaPer dere' & we weNt back hm at 19hr~[povRe papa-iL nouS a attEndu d heUres =.=' mais b0n,on ny peU riien si on a 3 fiLLes auPres d Lui-Haha..et puiS,paPA a acheTer d cigaRettes car c moiN chEre('coMMe d'hab) xD]
i'Ve b0uGht 6 t0Ps leSS deN 60euRos xD = 120 buCks'[j'ai acHEter 6 haUt p0ur moinS d 60euRos!] enJoyed meSeLf sh0ppingg..MUAHAHA- i h0pe tt we caN g0 deRe aGAin![0n a tr0pp biien amuSer et j'esPere qu'on peu y'aLLer ENCORE!MUAHAHA]^^
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:21}
é LaDy
eLLo eVerybody(: m0i- fiZah xD im h0T n chiCk~!MUAHHA..
anyWae,im juS a HappY go LuckY gaL..liKe to makE fweNz..
ENjoY Life to e MAX c0z liFe is sh0rt~xD