Wednesday, 30 April 2008
haD e uRge of thRowin up sinCe yest..duNNo y....mayBe scH's oPenin soon..tts y' HAH!anYWaE, todaY,i woKe up wiF a bLank lost...i duNNo wat im feeLing..*bLank*afTer i waTched aLL e carToons n staRin at e sKy foR quiTe SOme tiMe..i deCided to gooGLe me seaRch of smThg..duNNo wat..but smtGh...afTer 5minS of SearcHin..fiNally,i'vE found it..e piCtures- sonGs tt i'vE kePt in my comP for 1 & haLf yeaRs..iT waS e moSt preCious trEasures tt i've kePt sinCe i'vE left s'pore.. piCtures of my couZins
- eveN canDid piCtures laSt raYa tt i'Ve haD wiF me famiLy
...and-and raYa wiF me beLoved friEnds!!
haha..i jus miSS it..and aini- aiiShah '! our non-st0p fuN nitE cycLe wiF e juNiors..
haha- remPit aiishah- rempiitttt' xDthOse arE e swEEt memoRies tt i couLdn't forGet..thaNkz to you guys~ ^^and aLso, the neOprints tt i tooK wif me guYS'hahaha - ahMad n wan
Fizah : "poSe maUt-poSe maut"ahMad : "wat?ok-ok"wan : "...."u guyS DO noes how to take pix!duDes -u roX my sockxx!!LOL
Ahmad : "rooaarr~"
Wan : "wooooah~"
FizAH : "aahhhhh~"

Fizah : *breaTh*
Ahmad : "yyeeaaahhh!"
Wan : "R0und TWO!"

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {14:49}
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
nyaH-nyAh-nyAH~ whY sh0uLd we fiGht?no quaRReLs- no regrEts - n0 sh0uTin- stRess frEE!! ..COme on- no moRe wrinKles on my faCe'i wouLn't waNt t0 geT 0Ld fast...hahaha' oh's liFe~ don't you thiNk of siLLy thinGs ab0ut me..y0u caN say wateveR you wANt t0 beCause i don'T caRe-not a daMn- na naaaaa~ =P
anyWay,no haTred yar~ ^^
nyAh-nyaH-nyaH~ pk s'en gueLer?pa d querelles- pa d reGret- pa d criEr - pa d sTress!!.. en tou caS, pa d riDes suRe mon viSAge'j'vouLai pa etRe vieiLLe pLus viTe ke d'hab~ xD ..haha' ben voiLa- penSe pa a d truC ki seRt a riiEn' ki na AUCUN rappoRt..penSe pa a d truC debiLe non pLus caR j'meN foouuuu... a FOND kwa~ na naaaaa~ =P
d tou faCon pa d haiine yar~ ^^
f0R now,iM goNNa enjOy myseLF mingLin wif otHer peoPle (wiF LimiTS! ) AND AND enjOy my vaCationnnn' untiL monday..hhmm..who to meet? xD ..amaLina bonYo- i miSS you..kak fiDah- i miSS you..aLL me couZ -i miSS u guys...ahMad- i misS you..murNi aSS!! - i miss'Ni -i miss you..n lots ,lots more(e oneS i didn't beLoved graNDpareNts aLso...)mainTenan..j'vai mE meleR avEc d'otRe geNS... (aVec d LimiTs!) ET ET m'ecLater car on esT en vacccccc -jusKa a renCOntrer? xD
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {15:41}
Sunday, 20 April 2008
ViVe les vaCancess!! nyahnyah- feRst weeK of hoLiday haS begun..6 weEks of schooLin hv,2 weekS of hoLidays..i stiL rmrbr whEn i wAs haPPily chaTTin wiF charLotte in da bUs,iT was e feRSt weeK Of sch..noW,iTs aLd hoLiday..n whEn u noE it,iTs aLd e enD of sch yeaR! xD ..a yeAr haVe paSSed..we've been heRe for 1 yeAr...miSSed my love ones...very very very muCh..couLdn't deNY tt.. i wiSh tt i caN go baCk home......but i can't...hv t0 beaR it... So...waT hv i d0Ne deSe few weeks? i noe tt i've beeN miSSin for 2 weeks.HAH ScH : i diD LOADS of teSts..we haD our BAC caLLed 'pRELims' lasT Week..4hrS of freNch paper-4 hrS of ScieNCe ecoNomicaL n 1hr30minS for bioLogy..bY e enD of e WeeK,oUr braiN couLdn't foncTIon normaLLy duE to 9hrS of paPers in 2 dayS- haha! a toTAL NightmaRE! xD..anYwae,deSe feW days,iT has beeN raiNin non-stop..iTs not fun at ouTdooR acT..lucKy thinG whEN Its suNNy,i diD soMe garDenin' ^^ my sTrawbErrY pLantS stArted to gr0w fL0wers aLd!!yeaaa- strawBerriess tiS suMMer =D laSt-laSt sat 5th of apRiL ; weNt to DuDu's 18th b'day paRty :it waS VERY VERY fun!haha enJoyed meseLf daNcin wiF me gaLS n deY pLayed caRds whEn eVerything haD cooLed dwn' =)..sUn; aTe iN a reSto at arCach0n..teSts paPErs staRted to coMe non-stop..iT was TErribLe... e eveNt tt i hv to hiGLiGht boUt laSt weEk was :on thuRsday; siNce fraNce is haVin diFFiculties wiF their inFLation thiNgy, dey deCided to kiCk out soME of e teaChers neXT YEar'dEy stiL keep teaChers hu is aLd exPired [retire teaChers xP]..tts y deY waNNa kiCk some off..meaNS,leSS houRs of leSSons for us n deY wiL proDuce leSS cLass..or, dey wiL comBine e cLasses..tiS m0ve wiL TOTALLY touCh us:thOsE hu r takin e leVeL paper nexT YEar..sux la~so,stUdents in me scH diD stRike on thuRsday noon' as foR me,i juS contiNue attEndin leSSons,lik aLways..leSS ppL inda cLass = moRE FUN! NYAHNYAH~! AND AND AND lasT friDay, we haD 'pere-cent' : aLL e seniors aTTack juNiors wiF fLour,r0TTen eGGs,oiL or waTeva deY liKe t0 thr0w t0waRds us..iT was h0RRIBLEEE..DISGUSTING!tt moRnin,i woRe joGGin traCks n me oLd jacKet-siNce it raiNed n doubLe hood!haha..i tot of waLkin in e forEST but whEn i saw guYS runnin inda foRest,i chANged me mind'haha..
waLKed onda roAD instEad xD n OF COURSE dey attacKed me wiF disGUSTin e tiMe i reaChed at e enTAncE,i wAs fuLL of fLour n eGGs n ketChup- ARGH' SMELLYYYYY..haha..deRes eVen ppl hu is coVEred frOm top to bottom wiF creAM..funny!!deRes poLice heRe n dere..that noon,e eVent beCame chaOs' deY thrEw fLour to ANY car tt paSSed infronT of e sch' it was terriFying-n siNCe dey had prob...heaRd tt deRes no leSSon tt noon,i stRaight away weNt back h0me by traiN xD and e beSt paRT was..wHen i waLKed wiF me heaD DOwn,hood coVerin e heaD, THREE guys caMe n aTTackEd me- tts e WORST part of aLL..fuRther more,e fL00r waS sLippery-NOT FAIRRRR!
khakha..i waS cLean eaRLY inda moRnin n whEn i sTepped ouT of e sch,i waS coVeRed wiF creAm again!luCky thINg no eGGs-oNe of deM waNNa attack me wiF eGGs but i heLd his haNDs..MUAHAHA-lucky me! xD
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {13:42}
Friday, 4 April 2008

heY y'aLL~
i haD a l0nG daY today...
stARted me leSsons at 8am..2hrS of freNch (liK aLwAys..b-o-r-i-n-g~ d0uBt b0ut tt)
n i haD me s0CiaL studiEs proJect...niCOLas n me inTendeD t0 wriTe b0ut ouR Sch..iN a neWspaPer forMat..iT waS a gut idEa tiLL anOther grP wANted t0 wriTe b0ut 0ur sCh aLso..wAt a BUGGER' ppff~ feeL liKe kiKKin dem out- HAH! oh weLL...we hv c0mpetitiOn now..wiF e othEr grp..afTer tt,we haD hisTory cLass...we ALSO had ouR suPRise teST..hahak
luCky thiNg tt i haD a VERY QUICK gLance at me leSSons diS mornin =P
n at nOOn,daD fetChed me uP fr0m 14hr,wE weRe on ouR waY to e air baSe-coZ e
miniSter of deFense fr0M s'pOre caMe t0 frANce

f0r a viSit xD deRes aLso
e amBassaDor oF fraNce-s'poRe

..wE waiTed f0r haLf n hoUr..whiLe waiTin..wE t00k piC of coz~! xD me siS n i weRe e onLY teeNage kids =.=

afTer aLL of e haNd shAkin,chit-chaTTin n pHoto seSSion wiF e miNister

..we leFt e baSe..& at e eXit gaTE,i saiD 'bye-bye' to e cuTe-hAnds0me freNch boDyguArd (im juS geTTin meseLf inT0 prob' xD ) n he juS smiLed baCk n me n lauFF mUAHAha-cuTe lar!^^

we eVen t00k a QUICK snaP on hu noEs hu biike..haha- sTyLLLeee riiteee?? xD aftawards,wE wenT t0 caRref0uR..diD soMe shoppin n weNt back home!! eNd of friDAYyy
*haPPy b-day kak fiDAH!! xD *
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {21:16}
Thursday, 3 April 2008
meGa haPPy today!!!xD
Why...?Why..?Why iM haPPy.?wHy iM haPPy?
lEts sEe....
yeSt nite- sLept laTe..i reVised my hiGhway coDe like CraZy xD
so-i waS a bit laZy t0 waKE up diS mornin..sLeepy heAd-heh
suPPosingly, i staRt sCh at,wiLL wakE up a bit laTe.But tiS time, i woKe up eaRLier duE to a ThEory teSt tt i haD to aTTend tiS mornin' e teSt heLd neAr me sCh at 8:30am
it waS foGGy..i haD gooSe buMps whEn e freezin wiNd bleW-TOTALLY not e riTe time to hv wiNdz' hahak- paniC stroKE whEn 8:30am arrives...buTTerfLies inda stomach n woBBlyleGs whEn i enTered e r00m..onCe e tesT was oVer foR bout 40mins,i heLd e laDy my reMote conTRoL n she said "ok" whiLe smiLing at me..i asKed her,"I got it?"..she repLied,"yes"..hahaK..aFter aLL of e leG shakin n buTTerfLies inda stomach, AT LAST i passed my higwaY code' khakah!!FREAKIN HAPPY!!
onDa waY back to sch,i caLLed mum n daD n naThaLie(my oLd neiGhbour)..hahak'
i onLy had 2hrS of lesSons today..luNch time-i meT andRew..we haD luncH n my fersT LessOn of e daY was usuaL,we had our veRbes teSt' n afTer gerMAn,i haD enGlish comPrehensiOn tests'..ok la..noT bad xD n laSt leSSon i haD was freNch' acTuaLLy,we did ntHg but chat n chaT coZ dereS onLy 4 of us' hehe -e otHErs wenT for their triP to cinEma' fer their sPanish e enD,theY didnt geT t0 waTch e moVie cOz THey weRe laTe..tHey haD 2 choIcES : WatCh e moVie n g0 bacK hm at 18hr OR doN't waTch e moVie n g0 bacK hm aT 16hr' deY ch00se n0t to waTch n go baCk hm eaRLY..ahahak- p00r thiNg~ xD
so,aS u caN see'i did nthG todaY exCept teSTS N chaT wiF me freNch teaCHer' haha-
& whEn i'vE reaChed baCK hoME,muM conGrat me n gaVe me a suRPrise..dessertS!! buBur merAH-buBur putih..yuMMiieee-slUrrp-sluRRp =P
hoW i wiSh mY everYday liFe is Like dis' xD ..oh weLL...drEAM -ON fizAH!
*t0daY wAs e haPPiest daY of me LiFe-g0in to b neeD heLP for traNSportation!hehe nnnn 46 dayS to me b'Day!^^*
j'sUi meGA-MEga heuReuses ojourd'hui!! xD
pk...?Pk..?poUr Qu0i esT j'suIs heuReuses.?Pk esT j'sui conTente?
VoYons voir….Hiier ,j’ai dorMis tard..j’ai reViseE mon code coMMe une foLLe xD..DoNc, la reVeiLe du matin n’eSt pas ‘toP’ kwa …*j'veuu encooreee dodoooo* hehe...NormaLemen, je commence meS couRs a 9hr touS le jeUdi..reveiL un peu tarD..mais ceTTe fois-ci, j’me sui lever tot caR j’vai passer mon code a 8hr30 a arCa..Ce maTin, y avaiT d BrouiLLard…cHair d pouLe quAnd le vent froiD commence a souFFler..le veNt s0uffLe VRAIMEN pa au boN moment’ hahak – panic ma FrappEr quAnd 8hr30 arrive…j’ai coMMence a avoir maL au venTre et j’ai maRCHer ds la saLLe avec mes boiTeux pieDs..quAnd toutE esT fini..environ 40minS, j’ai passer la dame mon boiTier et eLLe a dit “c bon” et me souRiat..j’ai deMander “j’ai eu…?” eLLe ma rePondu,"oui"..hahak..après toUs les maL ke j’ai eu pendant moN code, ENFIN ke c bon..hkakha~TROP c0nteNTE!!En RouTE au lycEE,j’ai appeLee mamAn et papa quAnd j’eTe ds la vOIture de mon auto ecoLe…et j’ai aPPeller natHAlie ossiiii (ma voiSine) ..hahak’
J’aI ke 2 hrs d couRs ojourd’hui..midi,j’ai mange avEc andRew a la MaiSon deS j’ai eu aLLemand pour mon 1ere cours d la jourNee xD
CoMMe d’haB,on a noTre control d après aLLemand,on a angLais..1 hr d control =.=’ ca va..c’ete pa m0n dernier couRs c’ete fraNcais..ya que nouS 4..maDo,pauLine,aGathe et mwa xD leS otRes soNt paRTIs P0ur leuRs cinema (esPagnoL eLeves) a la fin,iLs n’ont pa pu reGArder le film car ya d Prob..doMMage..iLs doi choisir soit iLs regardE le film et rentre a 18hr ou rgDr pa et renTre a 16hr..
Pers0nne veuiLLe renTrer tarD donc, iLs regarDe pa et rentre!les povRes’ nouS,on a biien rigoLer aveC MDm daXheLet –hehe..
A la maiSon,maman ma fE deS desserts..c’ete troopppp bon –moN cadeAUX!!hahak’ pour me feLiciter xD
CoMMe c biien si tou leS jouRs sonT comme saaaa’ halalalalal… bon…REVE FizaH-REVE!
*ojourdhui c’ete le plus heuReuse joUR d ma vie – eTre la peiNe pour le transport!!hehe eeettttt encore 46 joUr -moN anniv!!^^*
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {18:56}
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
ah la la la....
i waNNa writE smgTh..but minD's bLank.. hahak
waNNa wriTe waT im feeLin -buT n woRds caN desCribe my emoTion riTe now
i'M c0nfuSed...tiRed..feD up.....exCited...scAred....shoCked...and... pLaiN..bLanK at e sAMe timE..
maYbe e caLL maDe me shoCked..i shLdn't hv caLL.... oR iTs jus by luCk' ? xD
i haTe to maKe deCisions- iM g0nna siT back,reLax n chiLL ^^ (n for sure- but n0t f0reVa =D )
*listen to ur heart fizah*rhaLalalalalaje vouLais ecRire kelKe chose..maiS, j'penSe a riien-j'saI pa kwa a ecRire..c la 1ere foiS ke j'vouLai mexPrimer mais,j'pEu pas...ya pa d moT ki coLLe biien a meS senTiments..j'sui conFus..faTiguer.....en a MaRRe....exCitee....peUr...Ch0qué riien...viDe auSSi..p-etRe j'auRai pa du l'aPPeler..p-eTre c a cauSe d sa....or c paR chanCe'? xDj'aiMe pa deCideR- j'vai m'aSSeoir, reLax et tranKiLLLLL ^^ (et attEnd..c suR- mais pa p0ur tjrs =D )*ecoute ton coeur fizah*
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {18:30}