Wednesday, 28 May 2008
i caN't beLieve it -i juS cLdn't beLieve it!
iT was h0T n SUnny at 13hr..n at 16hr, iTs aLL cLoudy n raiNy..a SUDDEN change..pfff~ nvm'
oVa here- ouR mooD dePends 0n e weaTher' haha -itS funny but its SOOO VERY é trUe..
like now,iT's sPring, weaTher ALS0 liKe spring from rainy to sunny den rainY back-haha..
anywae- iT haVe beeN more den a wEEk tt i've diDN't upDAte tis bLog of mine~ xD (soRRy peepS..beEn buSy wiF scH n stuFFz ) a buSy womAn yanno' hahah!
ferSt of aLL -iM aLreadY EigHTeen!! 18 yeaRs oLd..sinCe monday 19th of may...iT's so craZy..mthS later,i wiL be 20..haha!
oh weLL..i wiSh tt i couLd haLt my aGe -like rite NOW..18..but i know iT's impoSSibLe xD
Life stiL goes on-so doeS ur monday,LOADS of ppL wishEd me for me b'dae..thRu msN,sMs,frienDster,bLog,in ANY WAYs la..i'm gLad & i wLd like to thx u guys for tt!! ^^
weNt baCk hoMe ,mum baked for me a heaRt shaPed marBLe cake-it was niiceeeee & é canDLe weRe stuBBorn..iT did not diE off eaSiLy.haha! (dad's idEA =.=) receiVed a riNg fr0m me sisTa n 200 euRos fr0m me parents xD ..iT waS a mini ceLebration,but i luv it.. i WAs t0uchED ^^ hehe
n e Rest oF é daYs waS normaL sch days..& some ppL did ask me"so,how d0es it feELs like beinG 18??"..errmm...=.= wat a qns..é anSwer is "saMe 0Ld thinggg xD "haha
and so,I was inviTed to AudRey's b'dae paRty (last 2 weeks).. at 1st,é amBiance was coLd coz we didn't know heR frieNds yet..but niGht later,eVerYbody stARted to danCe togeder- it waS bLastin!haha and..of coz,meT someOne -hehe
ttS aLL for now!!
2 m0re weEks to scH hoLiday..and tiS satUrday : b'dae partyyy!!!iTs goin to be loAds of joKe-lauGhter and of coz, craZy taCticsss!! xD
peacE y'aLL ;)
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {17:36}
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
i'm fREAking tirEd....pe0pLe miGht thinK tt iM fiNe..cooL..caLm and coLLected...but in reaLity,im juS freaKing 0ut..i duNNo what is g0ing to happEn to me whEn sch00L's maRks suX (dun taLk b0ut it )& i waNt t0 g0 bacK t0 s'p0re...meeT my l0ve ones..spend timE with theM & enJ0y myseLF at sch00L' Like before...but i can't...arghh~ i gueSS the senSation of missiNg my home towN does marks me now... *anWay, liFE stiLL goes on *
we ceLebraTed faraH's 16th year b'daE on tueSdaY the 6th of may
..hahak -it waS a smaLL ceLebrati0n..a miNi famiLy gatHerin
mum cooKed for us puLut n chicKen renDang n lonToNG n daD maDe scaLLop..iTs waS simPLe but yuMMie! *slurrPP* tt day,i reaChed home At 18h30 =.= ..sinCe i haD 4hrS of frEE timE tt afterNooN, i searChed for her preSent n f0und a siLver braCELEt..wif mini diamonds on it~i noE tt she didNt pracTIce any jeweLry..mayBE She can StaRt now~ xD
shE receiVed a GueSS waTch frOm mum, and
50euRos fr0m dad!
we haD 5 daYS of weeK-from 8th to 12th of waS coooooLL...eVen tot itS kinda tiring..but it waS fun' we weNt to aNdorra (a smaLL ciTy in betWEen of fraNce and spaiN to sh000ppp!!)..staRted our journeY at 14hr..we arriveD at ab0ut 19hr..we haD diFFicuLties in seaCrh of e pLace..afTer asKin peoPle tt speaKs spaNish (and we DIDNT) finnaly,we f0unD a h0TeL whiCh is cheAp n locaTed VERY near to e sh0ppin maLLs
..hahak- waT a luck~ =D lucKy thiNg tt mum b0ught me a t0urist booK tt i caN use..i feLt dumB whEn i searChed for senTence in e b00k to asK them (hu didnT noe how to speaK freNCh OR engLish =.=) ..n whEn e pr0b waS soLved,i feLt a TOTAL reLief..hahak! (hu doesn't?? xD)..we've speNt 2 dayS sh0pping n sh0pping n pareNts b0ught a lot of cigaretteS sincE its cheaP ova dere..haha..aS for me,i've b0ught sh0es,n clothes -hahak~ enj0yed meseLf =D..we t00k off on sunDay noon n reaChed at CarcaSsonNe paLace caLLed Le Cite..iT was nicee..evenTot its dark but itS stiL nice ^^ ..we seaRched for a hoteL tt nite but it turNs out tt no vaCancy at,dad Dr0ve us baCk homeeee...tired-but enjOyed myselF again' lol
as f0r tmr..teacHEres had lesson tmr!! MUAHAHA *PeaCe yaLL* toodLessss
*5 m0re daYs t0 me b'dayyyyy~! wohouuuu xD *
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {16:01}
Monday, 5 May 2008
ahhhhhh - gut thinG thAt tiMe fLies veRy faSt..haha..tis m0rnin,haD badMinton for P.E t0day..2hrS of it..afTer e play,feLt tireD n gut at e samE time~ e othEr leSSons fLew in smoothLy..haD lunCh n den weNt baCK at 16hr..i waNNa dannceee-n DAnncceee...
shLd ceLebraTE T0nite coz deRes no enGLish leSson tmr! THAT craP teaCher- HAH!
n neW scheduLe c0min up...woahhh...tiS timE-sch g0nna be cHaos
*ok fiZah- DREAM ON okay~ maybe one day....*
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:19}
Saturday, 3 May 2008
yeSTerDy, a fwen Of faRah: Fabien (we call him m0nkey xD ) caMe t0 0ur hse f0r a viSit afTer his bicYCLe ride..i waS quiEtLy d0ing my gardenin whEn he caMe pouriN to me COLD waTer wiF our gaRden hoSe..i freAKed out n caMe chaSin to him' i haD my heAd hit by a l00nngg uteNsiLs n my hair puLLed by him -daMn u monkey hahaha! inDa enD, all of uS weRe dreNched unDa d hot sun..lucKy thing tt it waS a suNNy day ^^ we haD laMb n chicKen BBQ f0r diNNer..riTe afTeR DinnEr, myLene caLLed me n askEd wetHer i hv pLans for e eveNin..inda enD- we pLanned to go to arcAChon for a quiCk biTe..TifaNie waS wif us aLso..we dr0ve b0ut 3 tiMes ar0und in seaRch of a parKin waS teRRibLe..n0 pLace t0 parK at 22hr..hahak..n fiNALLy,we'Ve f0und a pLace..e fuNNy thing was,e parKin spaCe is VERY wide- YET,myLene hiT her fr0nt riGht whEEL at e curb =.='at 23hr, we were on ouR way to gr00veeee' tiLL 3am inda m0rnin~at ferSt,deRe was NOBODY..whEN midniTe striKeS, ppL starTed to come in..e besT part waS,DJ said "eveRy friDay niTe,we giVe out chamPagne.wh0 is e lucKy onE...?" *scrreaaammm* "ok-we wiL seeeee "whEn we weRe danCin,e DJ pLayed a rock song n i danCed wif myLene..aftEr e song,he poinTed to me sayin" ok,i've fouNd a loveLy lady-coMe n meeT me...u goT t0 driNk chamPagne tonite for free!" hahahk..haD e shoCk of me liFe..didn't ExpEct tt to come xD iTs soooo embaraSSin mannn but it waS fun-fUn-fuN! haha15minS b4 we leFt e pLace,we had ouR last danCe..suDDenLy,a guy caMe besiDe us n danCed wif me' ok,i juS danCe wif him- no harM..den whiLe i was danCin wif dis guy, anoTher guY camE besiDe us n toLd me "he's gay"..i said "its ok..i dun mind"..he lauFFed n said tt "he duNNo how t0 danCe" i repLied back "fine wif me-i wiL teaCH him h0w to danCe"..hahk! he lauFFed n smiLed to me n heLD his hanD out -i took his hanD n said "niCe to meet you -u wanna danCe wif hu? " me "i duNNo."n e guY tt im danCin wiF swAyed me awAY from hiS friend n we continueD to dance' deRe was susPense for a momENt~ *tum-tummm*n riTe aftEr we danCED,we geT out of e stuDio..its truE tt e guY diDn't noe how to dance ' HAH!
anyWay- i'vE enjoYed meseLf wiF u gaLs!! biSoux-biSouxxx
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {11:57}
Thursday, 1 May 2008
y0 to aLLL~!!how d0 u d0~?h0w do u do??we've (my siS n I) juS haD a cyCLe ride..iT was tiRin.. hahak..beEn a long tiMe tt i didNt cycLe..anyWay..afTer cycLin..i feLt guT ^^yeSt nite,i weNt to me gf's hse..we had diNNer togeDer n haD lotSa fun 23hr,dad,mum n sis went back hm but as for me,i staYed back n sLept ova at m.aLexia's hse..wat we did tt nite was looKin at e piC of guYS tt she liked..its fuNNy coz deres a BIG diffeRence betWeeN me n her..but YET, we get aLong VERY well..she's mOre into roCk n haRd metaLLic songs..but as for me, im moRe into hip-hop and R&,tasTe of guyS it TOTALLY not e same..hahak -but nvm la~oh weLL..eveN tot dereS differeNCe betWeen us,DAT won't stOp us fr0m beinG togederrrr hehei guEss whEn ppL teNd to taLk bout enDin dier Life..deY r in a DEEP DEEP dePression..sadNess tt deY cldN't run awaY from..deY jus cldn't thiNk or any othER way to soLve dier prob..n i loosiN dier liFe is e onLy way for dem to enD all dier sorrowness n probLems..n so,tiS noon, s0meb0dy toLd me tt It has made a is to eNd e paTh of liFe.. i triEd my beSt to conVince tt perSon tt itS not e waY to soLve e prob..but to no avaiL,all i can see were hopeLess in ItS phRase n whEn ouR bicycLe weRe repaiRed by dad n sis..riTe aftEr dinner,we haD a riDe n i meT tt perSon..tried caLLin ferst..but no anSwer so,i weNt to ItS hse n It anSweRed e door..i eLt like an idiOt at ferst.but aLso reLieved..eVentot It stiL have e whoLe nite to fiNish ItS is to enD its e enD..It haS found out tt It has maDe a daRf deciSion n wiL not deCeive me again..It maDe apoLogies..guT thinG tt It haS chaNgEd ItS mind..i feLt reLieved ^^ and now,iTs my tuRn to giVe It a SMACK DOWN! coz, It DESERVES it..heLL yea, Asian Hulk is comin- beTTa watch out'btw,i'Ve maDe a freNch blog!haha siNce m.aLexia- my wiFe, mAde fer,now..i have 2 bLogs - bLoGSpot (enGLish) & skybLog (french) ^^okay- im gonna be a busywoman den! haha..tiLL neXt time dudes n dudedettes'take care- n toodLes~!
merCi poUr ceTTe w0nderfuL soiReee mes ad0ras!! j'tadOr for et gros gros bisoUx a twa' - on feRa sa enCore-hein?? hehe =P
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:43}