Sunday, 29 June 2008
heLLoooo BACK! hahaha..afTer a mth n mths of MisSin In AcTion, i gueSS it's timE for me to upDate mE bLog..LOL
sooo mANy eVenTs, soo manY emoTions i'Ve been thRu , soo maNy craZY stuFFz i'vE did sinCe i'Ve last, afTer me b'daY whiCh is thE 19th of may, we haD scH outinG t0 pLaces wheRE the geRmAN Army reFugée - W0rLd WaR II. subJect : hisTory "inteResting" suBj for me xD ..actuaLLy, i HATE HistorY to é CORE..but i can't ruN away fr0m it..too bad *sniF-sniF* & daYs laTer, sch caLLed é oLd dep0rtee fr0m WWII..iT's saD to sEe how deY tortuRe é pe0pLe & h0w skinnY deY get..iT's H0RRIBLE..saD man..when i thinK b0ut it..we are SO LUCKY t0 be indepenDant & in raCiaL harMony now..
den den den m.alexia heLd her b'dae parTy on da 31st of was FUN & bLAStin..hahak' we pLayed L0UD rocK - meTALLic sonGs tiLL 23hr..we diD a karaokE in PS2..iT provEs thaT we kinDa suX'z at sinGin..midNite swim.waTer temPerature : 12 degRess ..LOL! pLayed cathing & figHtin inda waTer =.=' chiLdish but FUN!neXt day , eveRybody was exhausted ' waS cooooL
3 mths of suMMer hoLiday have paSSed : lets see wat have i done for 3 mths' i did mY praCTicaL dricing- meT kevin (of coz that i did speNd LOADS of time wif him), weNt to waLes (meT VERY ad0RABLE peoPLes ova dere - hey guYs..i miSS u!!)..luCky us,the weaTher was fanTastic at waLes!dEy aLways said tt iT rainEd all yeaR,we briNg e suN from France to Wales =D
an now,i've been sching for 2 weEks..ok la..liKe aLways- i haD a good tiMe tabLe..weNt back hm at 6pm on monDays n sometimes on thuRsday (if therE's any tests-if not,at 4pm)
iM sorry for e laTe update dudez or dudettez xD my Bad! hahak wiL try to upDAte more..but wiF sch stuFFz,i'LL be more Likely to spend my time morE on booKs theN internet =P
aS for thE musLims peoPLe : SeLamat BerPuasa (even tot iTs a bit latE -nvm, beTTa be late deN never) and and and seLamat Hari Rayaaaaaa xD
biSousssss -cheRioss
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:23}