JetZt und Hier (nOw and Here) by Wise Guys a s0nG ab0ut beiNg heRe n togeTher n enJoying ourseLves together...iF u listen carefuLLy,e musiC is maDe by the guys instRument are needed ..amazing! xD
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:32}
Friday, 19 September 2008
ZaZie - Je suis uN hoMMe
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {19:50}
thiS is Lynda!!! shE's the one hu adOpted us for 2 weekssss at waLes 'and sheS lovelllyyyyyyy ^^ heRe's Ana (spaNish girl), muRiel & Morgan (French - t0uLouse gaLs) piCture taKen at MarinA poRt at waLes -crEdits to UGLY :Jason -HAHAK! keVin & FizaH takEn at e GarDen at BordeAux me in goTh drEsss..hahak!not mine kay
chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {15:06}
é LaDy
eLLo eVerybody(: m0i- fiZah xD im h0T n chiCk~!MUAHHA..
anyWae,im juS a HappY go LuckY gaL..liKe to makE fweNz..
ENjoY Life to e MAX c0z liFe is sh0rt~xD