Thursday, 26 March 2009

Keen'V - A l'horizontale

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {17:31}

Monday, 23 March 2009
titLe : Kif N diR in aLgerien aLso meANs; CommenT jE Fais in freNch anD wHat shouLd i do in EngLish ^^
By : Zaho ....freNch R n B ;)

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {23:53}

Friday, 20 March 2009
friday is over and W-enD is hereeee'
it's e time for me to ReLax n Take it sLow BUT i stiL need to stuDy at e saMe time
have to do stUdy pLans.. organiSe my things carefuLLy n all
tis morning- woke Up earLy then usuAL.. 6:15am
and the daY tt i weNt to scHool wif e bus, he wasN't there!! grrrrr
It wasn't my usuAL bus dRiver.. the rePLacement was kinda laTe but we've arriVed on time pwhew~ lucKy thing
haD phiLosphy..BORINGGG.. like aLways..den, Like aLways xD
and had 2 hrs of economics leSson after lunCh
i SOOOO had e feeLing tt imma gonnA pass on The boaRd and preSent e docs AND i wasN't wr0ng at ALL - i DID weNt to e boaRd and preSent e hmK tt we've suPPosed to do hahaha..wat A LUCK >.<
fiNished sch at 5pm' it was fiNe..ruShed to e buS stop coz me buS dePart VERY early
and onCe reacHed guJan (my hm place) mum fetChed me and we weNt to donate our blood..but e thinG is.. she couldn't speak french AT ALL and dey will ask intimaTe qns..i COuldn't traNSLate for her coz its VERY confiDential >.<>
So, i rePLAced her!! lol XD
i DID feel like fainting COz its me first time (hey,it's nt an eaSy thing donating blood kay )
but then everything wenT fine after i ate sweeTs n drank a bit of water xD
mum lauFFed at me' (tssskkk -how couLd she!! )
and weNt baCk hoommeee feLt tired buT i decided to do s0me bLoggin n do me hmk'
tmr - gonna buy stuFFs for my sabotage day on 3rd of march!! hihi

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {22:14}

Monday, 16 March 2009

LiberTa by Pep's
Liberta meaNs Liberty in iTaLian..Its a miX song of French, ItaLian and enGlish ^^

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {20:21}

Sunday, 15 March 2009
HEY thereee~!
imma Backk'
iT has BeeN aGES since i've coMe BAck and do soMe bLoggin..have no tiMe..(soRRy dudes~!)
beeN buSY wif my sch00L and mY frieNds ANd of coz' Kéké' lol
anywAY-the trip baCk to spore was FUN-FUN-F-U-N-~!rAyA BAck home was fanTastic..miSSed it soo much'
I've enJoyed meseLf wif me couz n met meW friends hehe
back here, i pass my DRiving License and i GOT ITTTTTT~!! im eiGhteEn AND i can Drive A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E i wAnt..cooL rite?? xD
its SOOOO cooooooooLLLL' just me luCk.. MUAHAHAH
anywAy,last few mths, ceLebrated christmaS wif KéKé'S faMily- the Randt's as i caN say..iT was fuNNy and theY werE adorabLE..thEy've weLcomed we waRMLy and we enjoyed ourselves
theN, i weNT for this Business School of Tourisme at La Rochelle(UniverSIty)and parTicipated in theiR oRdeR to be accEPted in this sch00L, i havE to paSS this comPetition and I DIDDDDD~!, crOss me finGers VERY VERY hard and tiGht so tt i wiL be in This sCHool next year (on sepTember) btW,iT's 200kms AwaY from home...i have To drive bout 2hr30mins in oRder to go to tt sch..and iTs not long IF u didn't get lost- IF u were to get lost...3Hrs or more will be needeD'xD
i stiL have to pasS me A Lvl's..wiSh me luCK guys!so,oVa wiF schooL stuffz'
here- at me pLace, aT aCracHon, iT haS beEn a LOveLy dayyyy' Sunny aLL day long - we caN say tt iTs VEry rare for us to haVe suN and its 19deGrees ouTsidE when iTs STILL WInter! haha' i GueSS suMMer will be coLd since iTs already hot now..tskkk' waT a n suNNy,juS not the RIgHt moment to go to sch' oh weLLLL wat to dooooooo'
kay- gotta get bacK to werK now' toodLes~!!

chEekie FizaH auTograPhed on {17:10}

é LaDy
eLLo eVerybody(: m0i- fiZah xD im h0T n chiCk~!MUAHHA.. anyWae,im juS a HappY go LuckY gaL..liKe to makE fweNz.. ENjoY Life to e MAX c0z liFe is sh0rt~xD

Right Round - Flo-rida ft. Ke$ha
duDes & chiCKz♥

*LaY kiM(:
*xiAo rUi(:
*sze cHEa(:
*soo cHEng(:
*doLLy - AniSon(:

siLenCe breAker

designer GreenerGrass(:
picture deviantart(:
with help from : adobe photoshop

MemoRies ^^
