iT has beeN ages SInCe ive wrote an artiCLe bout me life
eveN Tot tt i Didnt update my blog, deres stiLL ppl hU weNt into my bLog and asK me to relinK dem xD hahaa!! cuTe of u guys
FIrsT of All,i paSSed my A LEVEL!! HAHAHA
next, My famiLy shifted into A neW hse sinCe this summer (buLan puAsa) and as for me, iVe shifted into a nEw pLace naMed La Rochelle. i sTarted scHooL on the 10th of sepTember. So far,so good- i met good friends,lived in a GooD apparTment,i have my owN traNSportation- No probLem at all. wiLL update wif piCtures neXt time. piCtures of my neW rOOm tt ive decoRAted and my new Appartment.
Im liVing aLone at La Rochelle because iTs a 2h30 drive awAy froM where my famiLy lives. And im schooLing in a BusineSS uniVersitY. I wiL have an inTersHip on juLy tiL auGust 2010 buT i duNNo where to go yet xD maybe maLt- i have to seaRch for pLace to go ^^
I meT 4 gooD gf's.GUYS, 3 of them arE SINGLE (ONLY for those who are interesed kay and THIS time,they can sPEak english - HAHAHA!! ) Only Diane, Charlotte and Ludivine are single but not Isma- she hv a guy already.
Anyway, my cLassmates here seeMS to parTy moRe then they've shouLd.i meaN....thEy liKe to HAng out at nite more then stuDy. Maybe itS only the beGinning of the yeaR but i duN think im goNNa get VERY close to them...gooD friends ya- but tts all.oh weLL...we'll see then.
AND i have A LOT N ALOT N ALOT of proJects to do!! shuCKxxxxxxx - wiSh mE LuCk!! xD
k la- ive got to geT back to weRk. gOnnA HAve mandarin later >.<>